Adding Device and OS Access Policies

Follow these steps to add a device and OS access policy to your network.
  1. From the navigation pane, click Networks. The Networks page appears.
  2. On the upper-right corner of the page, click Network-Related Profiles. A drop down appears displaying Wi-Fi Calling and Device & OS Access Policies.
  3. Click Device & OS Access Policies. The Device & OS Access Policies dialog box appears.
    Figure 107  Device & OS Access Policies
  4. Click Add Policy. Add Device & OS Access Policies dialog box appears. Complete the following:
    • Policy Name: Enter the name of the policy.
    • Description: Enter description for the policy.
    • Default Access: Select either Allow or Block.
    Figure 108  Adding Device & OS Access Policies
  5. Click Add Rule. The Add Rule dialog box appears. Complete the following:
    • Rule Name: Enter the name of the rule.
    • Action: Select either Allow Devices or Block Devices.
    • Device Type: Select a device type from the list of devices.
    • OS Vendor: Select the OS vendor for the devices.
    • Rate Limit: Configure the late limit using the sliders: From client and To client.
    • VLAN: Enter the VLAN ID.
    Figure 109  Adding Rule for Device and OS access Policies
  6. Click ADD. Returns to Add Device & OS Access Policies dialog box.
  7. Click OK to add the rule to return to the Device & OS Access Policies page.