Viewing AP Group Details

From the AP Groups page, you can click elements on the web interface to display detailed information about APs associated with an AP Group, networks that are active on an AP Group, and more details about the AP Group.

  1. From the navigation pane, click Networking Devices and select the WiFi tab.
  2. Click an AP name to view details about the AP. The Access Points page appears with two boxes, APs and AP Groups at the top of the window. Both boxes contain a number in brackets indicating how many APs or AP Groups are in your account. The screen displays a list of access points that you have added to your Ruckus Cloud account and information about them.
  3. Click AP Groups.
    A list of AP Groups that you have added to your Ruckus Cloud account and information about them is disalyed.
  4. Click one AP Group name under the Group name column. The AP Groups page displays information under the APs tab by default.
  5. Click More details to view the following information about the AP Group:
    • Description: A description of the AP group.
    • Venue: The name of the venue to which this AP Group is physically deployed.
  6. To remove these details, click Less details. The description and venue details are removed from the display.