Wireless Report

The Wireless Report provides details of traffic, clients, and trends by APs, SSIDs, radio, or clients over time.

From the navigation bar, select Report > Network.

The following figure shows only the upper portion of the Wireless Report update.

Figure 158  Wireless Report (Upper Portion Only)

The Wireless Report consists of the following components:

  • Overview tile
  • Traffic Distribution tile
  • Top APs by Traffic tile
  • Top APs by Client Count tile
  • Traffic Trend tile
  • Traffic Over Time tile

Overview Tile

The Overview tile provides a general overview of the entire network. It displays the following information, based on your selection of APs, SSID, radio, and date range filters:
  • Total traffic and the average traffic rate
  • Total traffic received and transmitted and the average traffic rate
  • Total number of APs
  • Total number of clients on the network
Figure 159  Wireless Report: Overview Tile

Traffic Distribution Tile

The Traffic Distribution donut chart displays the distribution of traffic types. Use this chart to display management traffic compared to user traffic, for example, based on your selection of APs, SSID, radio, and date range filters.
  • Tx = Transmitted traffic
  • Rx = Received traffic
  • Mgmt = Management traffic
  • Usr = User traffic
  • Total = Total of all traffic
Figure 160  Wireless Report: Traffic Distribution Tile

Top APs by Traffic Tile

The Top APs by Traffic tile contains a donut chart and a graph. The donut chart and graph displays the APs with the highest traffic volume in the network.

In the tile, use the menus to specify the traffic type (Tx, Rx, or Tx+Rx) and the time period. Click any of the colored squares to display the selected AP details in the line graph.

The Traffic Type menu applies to both the donut chart and the line graph, but the time period applies to the line graph only. This restriction applies to all reports that appear in this format (a donut chart and line graph with the Rx-Tx traffic type and a time period menu).
Figure 161  Wireless Report: Top APs by Traffic (Chart and Graph)
If you pause the pointer over the line graph, an information box is displayed containing the selected AP details.

In the Top APs by Traffic table, you can view a list of the APs with the highest traffic volume, sorted according to the selected table columns. Click the gear icon () to select the columns to display, and click any column heading to sort the table by that column.

You can select whether to display the top 10, 20, 50, or 100 APs by traffic volume from the filter. The number of rows per page can be defined using the Rows per page option in the table settings menu. Use the chart and table icons () to toggle between the chart and table views.

Figure 162  Wireless Report: Top APs by Traffic (Table)

Top APs by Client Count Tile

The Top APs by Client Count tile contains a donut chart and a graph. The donut chart and graph along display the APs with the most clients on the network.

In the tile, use the menu to specify the time period of 15 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day. If you pause the pointer over the line graph, an information box is displayed containing the details on the selected data points. Click any of the colored squares to display the selected AP details in the line graph.

Figure 163  Wireless Report: Top APs by Client Count (Chart and Graph)

In the Top APs by Client Count table, click the gear icon () to select the columns to display, and click any column heading to sort the table by that column. You can select the top 10, 20, 50, or 100 APs count from the table settings menu. The number of rows per page can be defined using the Rows per page option in the table settings menu. Use the chart and table icons () to toggle between the chart and table views.

Figure 164  Wireless Report : Top APs by Client Count (Table)

Traffic Trend Graphs

The Traffic Trend graphs of the Wireless Report display the traffic by usage and radio over time.

If you pause the pointer over the line graph, an information box is displayed containing the selected AP details.

Traffic by Usage: You can select the traffic by usage details from the check boxes listed in the legend on top of the graph: user, total received traffic, total transmitted traffic, the total received and transmitted traffic, and the management traffic. You can select a date range or a specific date on the line graph. You can specify a time period.

Traffic by Radio: You can select the traffic by the following radio details from the check boxes listed in the legend on top of the graph: 5 GHz, 2.4 GHz, and total traffic by radio details. You can select a date range or a specific date on the line graph. These options apply to the corresponding average traffic rate graphs as well.

Figure 165  Wireless Report: Traffic Trend Graphs

Traffic Over Time Table

The Traffic Over Time table of the Wireless Report allows you to compare traffic over multiple time periods.

Click the gear icon () to select the columns to display, and click any column heading to sort the table by that column.

Figure 166  Wireless Report: Traffic Over Time Table