AP Groups page displays with the following information for each AP that is a member of the AP Group:
- AP: The name of the AP.
- Status: The status of the AP. For example, if the AP is powered on and is providing wireless service to clients, a green check mark appears with the word
Operational next to it.
- Model: The model number of the AP.
- IP
: The IP address of the AP.
- MAC Address: The MAC address of the AP.
- Venue: The name of the venue to which this AP is physically deployed.
- Mesh: The role of the AP within the mesh network.
- Clients: The number of clients currently associated with the AP.
- AP Group: The name of the AP Group.
- RF Channel: The RF 2.4 GHz channel and 5 GHz channel.
- Tags: Any tag assigned to the AP when it was added to the Ruckus Cloud account.