Accessing IntentAI and Managing Intents
You can access IntentAI to manage AI-driven feature intents to optimize network performance.
Accessing IntentAI from the Dashboard
On the dashboard, IntentAI is prominently displayed through widgets, each representing different AI-driven features. These widgets provide a snapshot of information about IntentAI for the corresponding feature, showing the number of new intents in an orange bubble and a hyperlink that indicates the total number of active intents for each feature.
- From the navigation bar,
select Dashboard. The Dashboard page is displayed.
IntentAI Widgets on the Dashboard - From the
Dashboard page, choose one of the following methods
to access the IntentAI page:
- In the
IntentAI tile, click on any AI Feature icon
(example: AI-Driven RRM, AI Operations, or EquiFlex).
The IntentAI page is displayed with the specific AI feature automatically pre-selected as a filter. For example, if you click on the AI-Driven RRM icon, the IntentAI page will open with the filter set to display intents related to AI-Driven RRM.
- In the
IntentAI tile, click the hyperlink text
that indicates the number of active intents (n Intents are
The IntentAI page is displayed with two pre-selected filters: one for the AI Feature and the other to display intents with Active status. This allows you to view only the active intents for that feature.
- In the
IntentAI tile, click on any AI Feature icon
(example: AI-Driven RRM, AI Operations, or EquiFlex).
Accessing IntentAI from the Navigation Bar
To access IntentAI from the navigation bar, complete the following steps:
Applying an Intent Using the 1-Click Optimize Option
The following task example shows how to apply an AI-Driven RRM intent. Complete the following steps to apply the intent using the 1-Click Optimize option.
Applying an Intent Using the Optimize Option
The following task example shows how to apply an AI-Driven RRM intent. The workflow wizard remains consistent across other AI-feature intents, but there will be specific variations in the intent details, KPIs, intent priority, and summary information based on the AI-feature being applied.
Complete the following steps to apply an intent using the Optimize option.
Reverting an Intent
Complete the following steps to revert an intent.
Pausing an Intent
Complete the following steps to pause an intent.
Resuming an Intent
The intent's workflow for the zone will be triggered at the predefined time, allowing the system to continue optimizing network performance.
Complete the following steps to resume an intent.
Editing an Intent
Complete the following steps to edit an intent.
Canceling an Intent
Complete the following steps to cancel an intent.