Adding APs in Bulk

If you want to add multiple access points (APs) to your Ruckus Cloud account, instead of adding them one by one, you can import them into your Ruckus Cloud account using a comma-separated value (CSV) file. Using the CSV template, you can import up to 50 APs simultaneously.

Complete the following steps to import and add multiple APs to your Ruckus Cloud account.

  1. From the navigation pane, click Networking Devices and select APs. The APs tab is displayed.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the APs tab, click Import From File. The Import APs From File dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click Download template to download the template or use file latest import.
  4. Using a spreadsheet program, open the CSV file.
  5. Complete the following mandatory fields to identify the AP:
    • Venue name: Enter the name of an existing venue.
    • Serial number: Enter the serial number of the AP.
    • AP name: Enter the name to be assigned to the AP.
  6. If required, complete the following optional fields to identify the AP:
    • Tags: Enter the tags to be applied to the AP.
    • AP group: If the AP is part of an AP Group, enter the AP Group name.
    • Description: Enter a description to be assigned to the AP.
  7. Save the CSV file.
  8. In the Import APs From File dialog box, click Browse, to locate the CSV file, and click Open. Alternatively, drag and drop the CSV file into the gray box in the Import APs From File dialog box. After the file has uploaded successfully, the Import button becomes active.
  9. Click Import. If the import is successful, the Import APs From File dialog box displays with a message that n APs were imported successfully. If the import fails, the Import APs From File dialog box displays an error message with details for each AP that failed to import.
  10. If any APs failed to import, open the CSV file. Fix the issue for each AP failed to import, remove the APs that were imported successfully from the CSV file, and add the remaining APs in bulk beginning with step 1