Viewing AP Details

From the APs page, you can select elements on the web interface to display detailed information about wireless clients associated with an AP, networks that are active on an AP, and events that have occurred on the AP within the last 24 hours.

Complete the following steps to view the AP details.
  1. From the navigation pane, click Networking Devices and select the WiFi tab. Click an AP name to view details about the AP.
  2. Click the name of the AP that you want to view for clients.
    The Overview tab displays the following information:
    • An informational message if the AP has a configuration error or failure.
    • A graph showing the traffic volume (downstream traffic and upstream traffic). To change the time period, click one of the following check boxes:
      • Last 24 Hours (This is the default display.)
      • Last 7 Days
      • Last 30 Days
    • A photo of the device model.
    • The following properties of the AP:
      • Name: The name of the AP.
      • Venue: The venue in which this AP is located.
      • Description: The description of the AP.
      • AP service: Displays the status of the service (ready [configuration is complete] or not ready). If the services are not fully ready, a percentage of the readiness status is displayed. Pause the pointer on the percentage to view the percentage you must provide to enable the services. You are prompted to complete the information to make the AP service operational.
        Although the AP service may be ready, the AP may not be operational if you manually disable the service from the portal.
      • Up time: Displays how long the AP has been providing service.

      • Last Seen:The last time the AP refreshed it's connection to Cloud.

      • IP address: The IP address allocated to the AP.

      • Channel: The radio channels used by the AP on 2.4GHz and 5GHz.

      Click More to view additional properties of the AP. For additional information, refer to Viewing AP Properties.

    • The floor plan information if configured.
    • The settings for Bonjour or Wi-Fi Radio if configured (for Wi-Fi only).