Data Cube Filters

Data cubes contain groups of data sets, some of which exist in multiple cubes. The data cube filters are common to all the data cubes.

Figure 278  Data Cube Filters
Table 22 Identifying Data Explorer Interface Components
No Name
1 Dimensions
2 Measures
3 Filter
4 Explore
5 View Outputs
6 Add to Dashboard
7 Share Link
8 Options
9 Pinboard

Dimensions Filter

The Dimensions filter list the industry standard details for radio such as Time, AP name, System, and Zone name. You can apply one or more dimensions to the following:

  • Filter: On one or more dimensions. The default dimension is Time.
  • Explore: On one or more dimensions. Every dimension used in Explore can be sorted by one or more selected measures, and the number of dimensions to be listed in the table can be selected (5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500 or 1000). You can also change the sorting order of the dimensions to be explored and pivot or change the hierarchy.
  • Pin: One or more dimensions can be attached to the Pinboard for easy reference.
Figure 279  Dimensions

You can use the scroll bar for each data cube to view the supported dimensions for that cube. The following table describes all the dimensions that are supported on one or more data cubes in RUCKUS Analytics.

Table 23 Dimensions
Dimension Name Description Supported Data Cubes
Alarm Code Unique string assigned by the controller to an alarm. AP Alarms
Alarm State Indicates if the alarm is outstanding. AP Alarms
Alarm Type Description for access point and controller alarms. AP Alarms
Alarm UUID Unique string assigned by the controller to an alarm. AP Alarms
AP Description Description string of the access point that is configured in the controller.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
  • Rogue APs
AP External IP External IP address of the access point.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
  • Rogue APs
AP Group AP Groups configured in the cloud.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
  • Rogue APs
AP Internal IP Internal IP address of the access point.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
  • Rogue APs
AP Latitude Latitude of GPS coordinates. AP Inventory
AP Longitude Longitude of GPS coordinates. AP Inventory
AP Location Location string of the access point that is configured in the AP on the cloud.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
  • Rogue APs
AP MAC Base MAC address of the access point.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
  • Rogue APs
AP Model Description of the access point model type.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
  • Rogue APs
AP Name Name of the access point configured in the controller.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
  • Rogue APs
AP Serial Serial number of the access point.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
  • Rogue APs
AP Version Firmware version number of the access point.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
  • Rogue APs
Application Category Amount of user traffic by category. Applications
Application Name Name of the application accessed by the Wi-Fi client. Applications
Authentication Method The Wi-Fi encryption and authentication method adopted.
  • Clients
  • Sessions
BSSID Basic service set identifier. Network
Cable modem firmware Firmware version of the cable modem. AP Inventory
Cable modem IP IP address of the cable modem. AP Inventory
Cable modem MAC MAC address of the cable modem. AP Inventory
Category Category for access point and controller alarms or events.
  • Events
  • AP Alarms
Channel The Wi-Fi channel number used.
  • Network
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Client IP Internal IP address of the Wi-Fi client.
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Client MAC MAC address of the Wi-Fi client.
  • Applications
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Client Radio Mode Possible values are: ac, n, a, g, b, or "unknown" (if SmartZone version is prior to 3.6).
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Connection Status Connection status of the access point: Online, Offline, Discovery, Provisioned.
  • AP Inventory
Disconnect Time Disconnect time of a session. Sessions
Event Code Code number for access point and controller events. Events
Event Type Description for access point and controller events. Events
First Connection First connection time of a session. Sessions
Hostname Hostname configured in the Wi-Fi client.
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Last Status Change Date and time of the last change in Connection Status of the access point. AP Inventory
Manufacturer Manufacturer information for the Wi-Fi client.
  • Clients
  • Sessions
OS Type Operating System information for the Wi-Fi client.
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Port Port of the application accessed by the Wi-Fi client. Applications
Radio Indicates the radio frequency band: 2.4GHz or 5GHz.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Reason Additional description for access point and controller alarms or events, if available.
  • Events
  • AP Alarms
Roaming Session ID A unique session ID that is created when a client roams to multiple APs within a short-enough time span that the client is connected to these APs simultaneously.
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Rogue AP MAC MAC Address of the detected Rogue AP. Rogue APs
Rogue Channel The Wi-Fi channel that the Rogue APs was operating on. Rogue APs
Rogue Encryption The Wi-Fi encryption and authentication method adopted by the rogue AP. Rogue APs
Rogue Radio The radio band (2.4GHz or 5GHz) that the rogue AP was operating on. Rogue APs
Rogue SSID SSID of the detected Rogue AP. Rogue APs
Rogue Type Possible types are: ignore, known, rogue, and malicious Rogue AP
Session ID ID string assigned to a session.
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Session Type Indicates whether the session is authorized or unauthorized.
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Severity Severity level for access point and controller alarms or events.
  • Events
  • AP Alarms
SSID Service set identifier (SSID) configured in the cloud.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Time Allows the data to be viewed in terms of data points with timestamps. Time granularity of 1 minute, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, and 1 week can be chosen.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
  • Rogue APs
Username Username of the user account associated with the Wi-Fi client.
  • Clients
  • Sessions

Measures Filter

You can select one or more measures by which you want to sort the selected dimension. Based on the selected cube, measures can vary.

Figure 280  Measures

You can use the lists for each data cube to view the supported measures for that cube. The following table describes all the measures that are supported on one or more data cubes in RUCKUS Analytics.

Table 24 Measures
Measure Name Description Supported Data Cubes
AP Count Unique number of access points.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
  • Events
  • AP Inventory
  • AP Alarms
AP Uptime Uptime percentage for an access point. AP Inventory
AP-to-Cloud Ping Latency Average time, in milliseconds, for the AP to transmit a packet to the cloud, and receive the packet back. Network
Avg Airtime Busy Average of the airtime busy metric. Airtime Utilization
Avg Airtime Idle Average of the airtime idle metric. Airtime Utilization
Avg Airtime Rx Average of the airtime receive metric. Airtime Utilization
Avg Airtime Tx Average of the airtime transmit metric. Airtime Utilization
Avg Airtime Utilization Average of the total airtime utilization. Airtime Utilization
Avg Noise Floor Average noise floor power in dBm. Clients
Avg RSS Average received signal strength of the access point in dBm. Clients
Avg Session Duration Average time duration for a session. Sessions
Avg SNR Average signal to noise ratio at the access point in dB. Clients
Avg Throughput Estimate Average throughput estimate for the Wi-Fi client. Clients
Client Hostname Name of the client
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Client MAC Count Unique number of Wi-Fi clients.
  • Applications
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Client Username Name of the user
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Count Client count
  • Events
  • AP Alarms
Failed Associations Number of failed associations. Network
Failed Authentications Number of failed open authentications Network
Mgmt Traffic Traffic volume, which is transmitted and received in IEEE 802.11 control and management frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic.
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
Max Offline Duration The maximum offline duration within the selected time range. AP Inventory
Max Rogue SNR The maximum detected signal to noise of the rogue AP. Rogue APs
Max RSS Maximum received signal strength of the access point in dBm. Clients
Max SNR Maximum signal to noise ratio at the access point in dB. Clients
Min RSS Minimum received signal strength of the access point in dBm. Clients
Min SNR Minimum signal to noise ratio at the access point in dB. Clients
Reboot Count Events
Roaming Session Count The number of roaming sessions for a specific client. A roaming session occurs when a client roams quickly enough to remain connected to multiple APs simultaneously. If you find a client that has a large number of roaming sessions, you can use various dimensions in Data Explorer to obtain details about the APs.
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Rogue AP Count The number of rogue APs detected by all the APs in your network. Rogue APs
Rx Failures Receive packets which failed to be processed due to insufficient buffer in AP. Network
Rx Management Traffic volume, which is received by AP (Access Point) in IEEE 802.11 control and management frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic.
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
Rx Total Sum of the received user and management traffic.
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
Rx User Traffic volume, which is received by AP in IEEE 802.11 MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) data frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Session Count Number of unique sessions.
  • Clients
  • Sessions
Successful Associations Number of successful associations. Network
Successful Authentications Number of successful open authentications Network
Successful Authentication Ratio Ratio of number of successful open authentications over total number of open authentications. Network
Total Data Frames Ratio Percentage of all transmit and receive packets that are data. Network
Total Management Frames Ratio Percentage of all transmit and receive packets that are management. Network
Total Traffic Sum of the user and management traffic.
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
TxBroadcastFrames Number of broadcast packets transmitted by the network. Network
TxDropDataFrames Transmit data frames that are dropped by the message queue. Network
Tx Failures Transmit packets which failed to be processed due to insufficient buffer in AP. Network
Tx Management Traffic volume, which is transmitted by AP (Access Point) in IEEE 802.11 control and management frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic.
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
TxMulticastFrames Number of multicast packets transmitted by the network. Network
Tx Total Sum of the transmit user and management traffic.
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
TxUnicastFrames The number of data packets transmitted by the network that are not broadcast or multicast packets.  Network
Tx User Traffic volume, which is transmitted by AP (Access Point) in IEEE 802.11 MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) data frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic.
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions
User Traffic Traffic volume, which is transmitted and received in IEEE 802.11 MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) data frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic. User Traffic = Rx User + Tx User
  • Applications
  • Network
  • Airtime Utilization
  • Clients
  • Sessions


You can use Filter to segregate the data by dimensions such as Time Range, and other dimensions. You can filter on one or more dimensions, and change the sorting hierarchy as required. You can also define the dimensions based on specific properties of the dimension, for example, Time has relative and specific settings. The default dimension is Time, because the databases are very large and can crash the system without this filter.

Figure 281  Filter

Figure 282  Relative Time Settings

You can specify the following relative time settings:

  • Latest time of 1 hour, 6 hours, 1 day, 7 days, or 30 days
  • Current time of day, week, month, quarter, or year
  • Previous time of day, week, month, quarter, or year
Figure 283  Specific Time Settings

You can specify the start and end dates and times for the specific time settings.

Figure 284  Dimension Options

You can search the list of the dimensions and select specific entries. By default, all the data that matches the dimension is listed.

Explore Filter

The Explore filter enables visualization based on dimensions and time (data granularity).

Figure 285  Explore

You can explore one or more dimensions using a methodology similar to pivot tables, and change the sorting hierarchy as required. You can define the number of rows to be listed the screen.

Figure 286  Explore Time

You can use the following time filters:

  • Set the data granularity to 1 minute, 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, or 1 week.
  • Sort by any of the measures related to the dimension.
  • Limit the number of rows displayed for the dimension to 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, or 1000.
Figure 287  Sort Dimension by Measure

You can use the following measures filters:

  • Sort by any of the measures related to the dimension.
  • Limit the number of rows displayed for the dimension to 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, or 1000.

View Outputs Filter

You can create output views in the following forms:
  • Total
  • Table
  • Grid
  • Line Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Heatmap
  • Sunburst
  • Geo

The default view is Total.

Figure 288  View Outputs

Add to Dashboard Icon

The Add to Dashboard icon allows you to add a tile you are currently developing to an existing dashboard or to a dashboard that you want to create.

Figure 289  Add to Dashboard

Share Link Icon

You can share the URL, export to various formats, view raw data, or download the information. The following figure shows the various formats you can choose for downloading data. You can also select the number of rows to download.

Figure 290  Share Link
Figure 291  Selecting the Amount of Data to Download and the Desired Format

Options Icon

The Options icon allows you to set the time zone, auto update time for the dashboard data, view raw data, monitor queries, and enable cache memory as shown.

Figure 292  Options

Pinboard Pane

You can click or drag dimensions and pin them on the pinboard. Retain the dimensions for ready reference during visualization.

Figure 293  Pinboard


Comparisons allow you to compare the current data of specified dimensions and measures to the same dimensions and measures during previous time periods. For example, the AP MAC dimension and User Traffic measure can be compared over time, as shown in the following figure. The Change column indicates how much user traffic has gone up or down for the corresponding AP over the specified period of time.

Figure 294  Comparison Over Time

Creating a Data Comparison

You can create a data comparison using Data Explorer.

  1. From Data Explorer, select one of the data cubes.
  2. Drag one or more dimensions into the center pane, for example, AP MAC.
  3. From the Measure list, select one or more measures (use Multi-Selection for more than one).
  4. From the Measure list, select Compare.
    Figure 295  Selecting Compare from the Measure List
  5. If you have already invoked Compare, the previous time period you selected is automatically used, and a display such as the one in Figure 294 is displayed. However, if you have not yet used Compare, or if you want to change the current time-period, invoke the Compare list:
    Figure 296  Using the Compare List
  6. (Optional) To customize your choice, click Custom. Custom comparison dialog box is displayed.
    Figure 297  Custom Comparison Dialog Box
    • To set a relative comparison, click the Relative tab and select a measure from the relative measure list.
      Figure 298  List of Choices from the Relative Measure List

      You can change the number of the measure to correspond to your selection in the relative measure list. Click OK to create the relative comparison.

    • To create a custom time period, click the Absolute tab.
      Figure 299  Custom Comparison: Absolute Tab

      You can change the times as desired, and to have the end date automatically adjusted. Click OK to set the custom time period.

Removing the Compare Feature

If you want to remove the Compare measure from the data display, go to the Measure list, and select Remove Compare Measure.

Figure 300  Removing the Compare Measure