Dataset Filters
Datasets are collections of Columns and Metrics that are used to generate visualizations and queries that help in analyzing and monitoring the network performance. These Columns and Metrics are organized into separate groups to form multiple Datasets.

No | Name |
1 | Columns |
2 | Metrics |
3 | Table |
Columns Filter
- AP
- Application
- Authentication
- Band
- Business Technology Management (BTM)
- Cable
- Channel
- Client
- Connection
- Controller
- Device
- Domain
- Event
- Lable
- PoE
- Port
- Radio
- Rogue
- Session
- Switch
- System
- Tenant
- Time
- Zone
Click the Table icon to view the Columns tab. The applicable columns are grouped under their respective Datasets. After you select a Dataset, the columns grouped under that Dataset are displayed in the Columns tab.
The following table describes all the dimensions that are supported on one or more Dataset in RUCKUS AI.
Column Name | Description | Supported Dataset |
Alarm Code | Unique string assigned by the controller to an alarm. | AP Alarms |
Alarm State | Indicates if the alarm is outstanding. | AP Alarms |
Alarm Type | Description for access point and controller alarms. | AP Alarms |
Alarm UUID | Unique string assigned by the controller to an alarm. | AP Alarms |
AP Description | Description string of the access point that is configured in the controller. |
AP External IP | External IP address of the access point. |
AP Group | AP Groups configured in the controller. |
AP Group Location | AP group location. |
AP Internal IP | Internal IP address of the access point. |
AP Latitude | Latitude of GPS coordinates. | AP Inventory |
AP Longitude | Longitude of GPS coordinates. | AP Inventory |
AP Location | Location string of the access point that is configured in the controller. |
AP MAC | Base MAC address of the access point. |
AP Model | Description of the access point model type. |
AP Name | Name of the access point configured in the controller. |
AP Serial | Serial number of the access point. |
AP Version | Firmware version number of the access point. |
AP WiFi Capability | Client WiFi6 Capability. | Client Info and Statistics |
Application Category | Category of applications accessed by the Wi-Fi client. | Applications |
Application Name | Name of the application accessed by the Wi-Fi client. | Applications |
Authentication Method | The Wi-Fi encryption and authentication method adopted. |
Band | Radio band used by the AP. |
Band Capability | Band supported by the client. |
BSSID | Basic service set identifier. | AP Info and Statistics |
BTM Capability | Client BTM capability. | Client Info and Statistics |
Cable modem firmware | Firmware version of the cable modem. | AP Inventory |
Cable modem IP | IP address of the cable modem. | AP Inventory |
Cable modem MAC | MAC address of the cable modem. | AP Inventory |
Category | Category for access point and controller alarms or events. |
Channel | The channel number used. |
Client IP | Internal IP address of the Wi-Fi client. |
Client Capability | Indicates if client is WiFi6 or legacy client. | Client Info and Statistics |
Client MAC | MAC address of the Wi-Fi client. |
Client MAC Type | Indicates if clients MAC is OEM or a random MAC. | Client Info and Statistics |
Client Radio Mode | Possible values are: ac, n, a, g, b, or "unknown" (if SmartZone version is prior to 3.6). |
Client VLAN | VLAN ID used by the client. | Client Info and Statistics |
Connection Stage | Indicates Client authentication type. |
Connection Status | Connection status of the access point: Online, Offline, Discovery, Provisioned. | AP Inventory |
Controller MAC | MAC address of the controller. |
Controller Model | Description of the model of the controller. |
Controller Name | Name of the configured controller. |
Controller Serial | Serial number of the controller. |
Controller Version | Firmware version number of the controller. |
Channel Bandwidth | Channel width used by the AP's radio. |
Device Type | Indicates device type of the client. |
Disconnect Time | Disconnect time of a session. | Client Sessions |
Domain | Domains configured in the controller. |
Event Code | Code number for access point and controller events. | AP Events |
Event Description | Description of the event. | Client Connection Events |
Event Type | Description for access point and controller events. | AP Events |
Failed Message Info | Message ID to indicate what failures step in whole connection. | Client Connection Events |
First Connection | First connection time of a session. | Client Sessions |
FQDN of ePDG | FQDN of operator epdg gateway. | AP WiFi Calling |
Hostname | Hostname of the client. |
Is Stack | Switch Inventory | |
Label | User defined label / tag created by the MSP. |
LAG Name | LAG name. | Switch Network |
LAN Ports WAN Connectivity | Description for this interface is WAN or LAN interface. | AP Inventory |
LAN Ports Physical Link | Link attributes (up or down, speed, and duplex). | AP Inventory |
LAN Ports Physical Capability | Description for this interface capability. | AP Inventory |
LAN Ports | Port number for Ethernet interface. | AP Inventory |
Last Status Change | Date and time of the last change in Connection Status of the access point. | AP Inventory |
Manufacturer | Manufacturer of the client device. |
Message IDs | A sequence of message ID are recorded for this client session. | Client Connection Events |
Number of Ports | Number of switch ports. |
Number of Switch Units | Number of units in the stack. |
Operators | Operator name. | AP WiFi Calling |
Optics | Optics type of port. | Switch Network |
OS Type | Operating System information for the Wi-Fi client. |
OS Vendor Type | Operating System vendor information for the Wi-Fi client. |
Peer is Ruckus AP | RuckusAP support of remote device. | Switch Network |
POE Mode Setting | 8023af PoE mode. | AP Inventory |
POE Under Powered | AP power level. | AP Inventory |
POE Mode | 8023af PoE power source. | AP Inventory |
Port | Port of the application accessed by the Wi-Fi client. | Applications |
Port Admin Status | Admin status of port. | Switch Network |
Port Link Status | Link status of port. | Switch Network |
Port MAC | MAC address of port. | Switch Network |
Port Name | Name of port. | Switch Network |
Port Number | Description of port. | Switch Network |
Port Speed | Speed of port. | Switch Network |
Port Status | Status of port, ex: CPU, Memory, Port Information (Network, PoE, Traffic, Packets In or Out). | Switch Network |
Port Untagged VLAN | Untagged VLAN of port. | Switch Network |
Port VLANs | Vlans of the port. | Switch Network |
Radio | Indicates the radio frequency band: 2.4GHz or 5GHz. |
Reason | Additional description for access point and controller alarms or events, if available. |
Roaming Flag | A flag to indicate this connection session is roaming or new join. | Client Connection Events |
Roaming Session ID | A unique session ID that is created when a client roams to multiple APs within a short-enough time span that the client is connected to these APs simultaneously. |
Rogue AP MAC | MAC Address of the detected Rogue AP. | AP Rogues |
Rogue Channel | The Wi-Fi channel that the Rogue APs was operating on. | AP Rogues |
Rogue Encryption | The Wi-Fi encryption and authentication method adopted by the rogue AP. | AP Rogues |
Rogue Radio | The radio band (2.4GHz or 5GHz) that the rogue AP was operating on. | AP Rogues |
Rogue SSID | SSID of the detected Rogue AP. | AP Rogues |
Rogue Type | Possible types are: ignore, known, rogue, and malicious. | Rogue AP |
Router ID | Swtich Identifier. | Switch Network |
Session ID | ID string assigned to a session. |
Session Type | Indicates whether the session is authorized or unauthorized. |
Severity | Severity level for access point and controller alarms or events. |
Spatial Stream Capability | Client STBC capability. |
SSID | Service set identifier (SSID) configured in the controller. |
Switch Firmware | Firmware version of switch. |
Switch Group Name | Switch group name. |
Switch IP | Switch IP. |
Switch MAC | Switch MAC. |
Switch Model | Model of switch. |
Switch Name | Hostname of switch. |
Switch Serial | Serial number of switch. |
Switch Status | Connection status of switch. |
Switch Subgroup Name | The list of switch groups. |
Switch Unit ID | Switch unit ID. | Switch Network |
Switch Unit Status | Status of switch unit, ex: Switch Unit Information (ID, Uptime, Status, Serial Number). | Switch Network |
Switch Uptime | Uptime of switch. |
System | System ID of the controller or the SmartZone Cluster. |
Time | Allows the data to be viewed in terms of data points with timestamps. Time granularity of 1 minute, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, and 1 week can be chosen. |
Tenant |
Tx Power | Tx power of the WiFi interface. |
Username | Username of the user account associated with the Wi-Fi client. |
Wired Device MAC | MAC address of the wired device. | Switch Network |
Wired Device Name | Name of wired device. | Switch Network |
Wired Device Port | Wired port interface. | Switch Network |
Wired Device Port Description | Port description of the wired device. | Switch Network |
Wired Device Port MAC | MAC address of wired port. | Switch Network |
Wired Device Port Type | Type of wired port like Bridge, WLAN Access Point, Router, Station Only etc. | Switch Network |
Zone | Zones configured in the controller. |
Zone Location | Zone location. |
Metrics Filter
You can select one or more metrics by which you want to sort the selected dimension. Based on the selected Dataset, measures can vary.
Click the Table icon to view the Metrics tab. The applicable metrics are grouped under their respective Datasets. After you select a Dataset, the metrics grouped under that Dataset are displayed in the Metrics tab.
You can use the lists for each Dataset to view the supported metrics for that Dataset. The following table describes all the metrics that are supported on one or more Dataset in RUCKUS AI.
Metrics Name | Description | Supported Dataset |
AP Count | Unique number of access points. |
AP Uptime | Uptime percentage for an access point. | AP Inventory |
AP-to-SZ Ping Latency | Average time, in milliseconds, for the AP to transmit a packet to the SZ controller, and receive the packet back. | AP Info and Statistics |
Attempt Count | Client Connection Counts | |
Avg Airtime Busy | Average of the airtime busy metric. | AP Airtime and Hardware |
Avg Airtime Idle | Average of the airtime idle metric. | AP Airtime and Hardware |
Avg Airtime Rx | Average of the airtime receive metric. | AP Airtime and Hardware |
Avg Airtime Tx | Average of the airtime transmit metric. | AP Airtime and Hardware |
Avg Airtime Utilization | Average of the total airtime utilization. | AP Airtime and Hardware |
Avg CPU Utilization | Average CPU utilization for the controller. |
Avg Capacity Per AP | The saturated throughput estimate of a link. | AP Info and Statistics |
Avg Disk Free | Average free disk space for the controller. | Controller Inventory |
Avg Disk Utilization | Average disk utilization for the controller. | Controller Inventory |
Avg Memory Utilization | Average memory utilization for the controller. |
Avg 2.4 GHz Capacity | Average speed of the 2.4 GHz. | AP Info and Statistics |
Avg 5 GHz Capacity | Average speed of the 5 GHz. | AP Info and Statistics |
Avg 6(5) GHz Capacity | Average speed of the 6(5) GHz. | AP Info and Statistics |
Avg AP-to-Client Latency | The time taken by a packet from AP to Client. | AP Info and Statistics |
Avg Storage Utilization | The percentage of AP storage utilization. | AP Airtime and Hardware |
Avg Noise Floor | Average noise floor power in dBm. | Client Info and Statistics |
Avg RSS | Average received signal strength of the access point in dBm. | Client Info and Statistics |
Avg Session Duration | Average time duration for a session. | Client Sessions |
Avg SNR | Average signal to noise ratio at the access point in dB. | Client Info and Statistics |
Avg Tx Rate | Average Tx rate. | AP Airtime and Hardware |
Avg Rx Rate | Average Rx rate. | AP Airtime and Hardware |
Avg Throughput Estimate | Average throughput estimate for the Wi-Fi client. | Client Info and Statistics |
Call Duration | Duration of the WiFi call. | AP WiFi Calling |
Client Hostname | Name of the client. |
Client MAC Count | Unique number of Wi-Fi clients. |
Client Throughput | Client Info and Statistics | |
Client Username | Name of the user. |
Controller Count | Unique number of controllers. | Controller Inventory |
Count | Client count. |
CPU (%) | CPU utilization of switch. | Switch Inventory |
CRC | Crc Error. | Switch Network |
Data Frames (Downlink) | AP Info and Statistics | |
Data Frames (Uplink) | AP Info and Statistics | |
Downlink Traffic | Bytes received by client. | AP WiFi Calling |
Failed Associations | Number of failed associations. | AP Info and Statistics |
Failed Authentications | Number of failed open authentications. | AP Info and Statistics |
Failure Count | Client Connection Counts | |
Hostname Count | Number of hostnames. |
In Discards | Input discards of port. | Switch Network |
In Errors | Input Errors. | Switch Network |
Mgmt Traffic | Traffic volume, which is transmitted and received in IEEE 802.11 control and management frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic. |
Mgmt Traffic (Downlink) |
Mgmt Traffic (Uplink) |
Mgmt Frames (Uplink) | AP Info and Statistics | |
Mgmt Frames (Downlink) | AP Info and Statistics | |
Max Offline Duration | The maximum offline duration within the selected time range. | AP Inventory |
Max Rogue SNR | The maximum detected signal to noise of the rogue AP. | AP Rogues |
Max RSS | Maximum received signal strength of the access point in dBm. | Client Info and Statistics |
Max SNR | Maximum signal to noise ratio at the access point in dB. | Client Info and Statistics |
Memory (%) | Switch Inventory | |
Min RSS | Minimum received signal strength of the access point in dBm. | Client Info and Statistics |
Min SNR | Minimum signal to noise ratio at the access point in dB. | Client Info and Statistics |
Offline Duration | Switch Inventory | |
Out Errors | Output Errors. | Switch Network |
PoE Free (mW) | PoE unallocated capacity of switch. | Switch Inventory |
PoE Utilization (%) | Percentage of PoE allocated capacity of switch. | Switch Inventory |
PoE Usage (mW) | PoE allocated capacity of switch. | Switch Inventory |
PoE Total (mW) | Total PoE capacity of switch. | Switch Inventory |
Port Count | Number of ports. | Switch Network |
Port PoE Utilization (%) | Percentage of inline power consumed by the port. | Switch Network |
Reboot Count | Number of times AP rebooted. | AP Events |
Roaming Session Count | The number of roaming sessions for a specific client. A roaming session occurs when a client roams quickly enough to remain connected to multiple APs simultaneously. If you find a client that has a large number of roaming sessions, you can use various dimensions in Data Studio to obtain details about the APs. |
Rogue AP Count | The number of rogue APs detected by all the APs in your network. | AP Rogues |
Rx Avg 2.4GHz MCS Rate | 2.4 GHz Radio median RX MCS rate in this bin. | AP Info and Statistics |
Rx Avg 5GHz MCS Rate | 5 GHz Radio median RX MCS rate in this bin. | AP Info and Statistics |
Rx Avg 6(5)GHz MCS Rate | 6(5) GHz Radio median RX MCS rate in this bin. | AP Info and Statistics |
Rx Avg AP MCS Rate | Radio median RX MCS rate in this bin. | AP Info and Statistics |
Rx Client MCS Rate | Client median RX MCS rate in this bin. | Client Info and Statistics |
Rx Failures | Receive packets which failed to be processed due to insufficient buffer in AP. | AP Info and Statistics |
Rx Management | Traffic volume, which is received by AP (Access Point) in IEEE 802.11 control and management frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic. |
Rx Total | Sum of the received user and management traffic. |
Rx User | Traffic volume, which is received by AP in IEEE 802.11 MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) data frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic. |
Session Count | Number of unique sessions. |
Successful Associations | Number of successful associations. | AP Info and Statistics |
Successful Authentications | Number of successful open authentications. | AP Info and Statistics |
Successful Authentication Ratio | Ratio of number of successful open authentications over total number of open authentications. | AP Info and Statistics |
Success Count | Client Connection Counts | |
Switch Count | Unique number of Switches. | Switch Inventory |
Switch Unit Count | Unique number of Switch units. | Switch Network |
System Count | Unique number of systems. | Controller Inventory |
Total Data Frames Ratio | Percentage of all transmit and receive packets that are data. | AP Info and Statistics |
Total Management Frames Ratio | Percentage of all transmit and receive packets that are management. | AP Info and Statistics |
Total Session Duration | Client Sessions | |
Total Traffic | Total of sent and received bytes by client. | AP WiFi Calling |
Traffic (Total) | Sum of the user and management traffic. |
Traffic (Downlink) | Bytes received. |
Traffic (Uplink) | Bytes sent. |
Tx Avg 2.4GHz MCS Rate | 2.4 GHz Radio median Tx MCS rate. | AP Info and Statistics |
Tx Avg 5GHz MCS Rate | 5 GHz Radio median Tx MCS rate. | AP Info and Statistics |
Tx Avg 6(5)GHz MCS Rate | 6(5) GHz Radio median Tx MCS rate. | AP Info and Statistics |
Tx Avg AP MCS Rate | Radio median Tx MCS rate. | AP Info and Statistics |
TxBroadcastFrames | Number of broadcast packets transmitted by the network. | AP Info and Statistics |
Tx Client MCS Rate | Client median TX MCS rate. | Client Info and Statistics |
TxDropDataFrames | Transmit data frames that are dropped by the message queue. | AP Info and Statistics |
Tx Failures | Transmit packets which failed to be processed due to insufficient buffer in AP. | AP Info and Statistics |
Tx Management | Traffic volume, which is transmitted by AP (Access Point) in IEEE 802.11 control and management frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic. |
TxMulticastFrames | Number of multicast packets transmitted by the network. | AP Info and Statistics |
Tx PER | Radio Tx Packet Error Rate in this bin. | Client Info and Statistics |
Tx Total | Sum of the transmit user and management traffic. |
TxUnicastFrames | The number of data packets transmitted by the network that are not broadcast or multicast packets. | AP Info and Statistics |
Tx User | Traffic volume, which is transmitted by AP (Access Point) in IEEE 802.11 MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) data frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic. |
Uplink Traffic | Bytes sent by client. | AP WiFi Calling |
Username Count | Unique number of usernames. |
User Traffic | Traffic volume, which is transmitted and received in IEEE 802.11 MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) data frames; this includes all unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic. User Traffic = Rx User + Tx User |
User Traffic(Total) | Total of sent and received bytes by user. |
User Traffic (Downlink) | Bytes received by the user. |
User Traffic (Uplink) | Bytes sent by the user. |