The Ruckus Cloud web interface is a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing your access points, venues, and wireless networks.
After you complete signing up for a Ruckus Cloud account, you can access the Ruckus Cloud web interface from any device (desktop, laptop, or smart phone) that is connected to the Internet.
Primary Elements of the Ruckus Cloud Web Interface
Table 1. Web Interface Elements
Search field
Type a keyword or phrase to search for matches in venues, APs, switches, and networks.
Navigation pane
Use the navigation pane to navigate through the main pages of the portal, which include:
Networking Devices
Switch Configuration
Content area
When you click an item on the navigation pane, the related information (tables, lists, configuration options, and so on) displays in the content area.
User information
Displays your first and last name, and company name, as recorded in your Ruckus Wireless account profile.
(Alarm indicator)
Click to view the latest alarms that have occurred on the controller and managed APs or ICX switches. If a number appears above the icon, it indicates the number of new alarms that have occurred since you last viewed the list.
Click to display a list of links to the Ruckus Cloud online documentation:
Documentation: View the complete online documentation for Ruckus Cloud.
How-To videos: View Ruckus Cloud training videos that have been posted on YouTube.
Help for this page: Display help information that is specific to the current page.
Supported AP Models: Go to the Ruckus Cloud Wi-Fi supported AP models' page.
Contact Support: Go to the Ruckus Support portal.
Open a Case: Open a Ruckus Support case.
My Open Cases: View your open cases with the Ruckus Support.
Privacy: View the Ruckus Cloud Privacy Policy.
About Ruckus Cloud: View information about the Ruckus Cloud software.
Click to view links for managing your account.
My Profile: Click to edit the time zone and event details level that have been configured for your Ruckus Cloud account.
Change Password: Click to edit your Ruckus Wireless profile password.
Log Out: Click to log out of the Ruckus Cloud web interface.
Sending Feedback
Send Feedback option is located at the bottom-left corner of the navigation pane. Use the
Send Feedback form to send feedback, suggestions or questions. Click
Open a Support Case to open RUCKUS support site and open a support case.
Sending Feedback