Analytics page provides a breakdown of incidents by severity and category, allowing you to focus on incidents of interest, for which they can view details. For any given incident, you can view the severity, client impact, root cause, and recommendations, as well as the events, anomalies, data, or problems that were used to identify the incident.
Analytics Page
The analytics page consists of different sections which are described as follows:
The Analytics page contains a number of components:
Network Filter menu
Date and Time filter
Network Node Details tile
Severity Filter tile
Incident Timeline
Incident List table
Incident Details
Network Impact tile
Incident Info tile
Network Filter Menu
Click the
Network menu to select a network node within the circle packing representation. By default,
Network is selected, which displays a circle packing view of all the systems in the network. A network node can be a cluster, domain, zone, AP group, or access point in the network. After selecting a node, click X to close the circle packing representation.
Click the
Network menu to select a network node within the circle packing representation. By default,
Network is selected, which displays a circle packing view of all the systems in the network. A network node can be a Venue, AP group, or access point in the network. After selecting a node, click X to close the circle packing representation.
Nodes on the Network
Date and Time Filter
The date and time filter is used to plot the date and time for a specific time period, including such as
Last 24 hours,
Last 7 days, or
Last Month.Use the Custom option to select the dates and times for a specific customized time period.
Custom Mode
Apply to save the specified date and time filters and update the Analytics page.
Network Node Details
The Network Node Details tile displays the name of the selected node from the
Network Filter menu as a header.
For example, the following figure shows the Density network node and its attributes (Type, APs, and Clients).
Density Network Node Density Network Node
The following table lists the various network nodes and their attributes.
Table 1. Network Nodes and Attributes
Type: SZ Cluster
Cluster: Cluster Name
SZ Type: SZ104, SZ124, viz.-E, viz.-H, SZ300
Type: Domain
Zone Count
AP Count
Client Count
Type: Zone
Firmware: Zone firmware
AP Count
Client Count
AP Group
Type: AP Group
Zone Firmware
AP Count
Client Count
Type Access point
AP Firmware
AP Name
MAC Address
IP Address
Type: Client
MAC Address
Last IP Address
OS Type
Table 2. Network Nodes and Attributes
Type: Network
AP Count
Client Count
AP Group
Type: AP Group
Zone Firmware
AP Count
Client Count
Type Access point
AP Firmware
AP Name
MAC Address
IP Address
Type: Client
MAC Address
Last IP Address
OS Type
Severity Filter
The severity filter tallies the total number of incidents on the network node, and lists the number of incidents by severity.
Severity Filter
Incident Timeline
The Incident Timberline is a graphical representation of the number of new clients connecting to the network (the light gray line), the number of clients actively connected to the network (the dark gray line) and the number of clients affected by the network incidents (the blue area in the chart).
Incident Timberline
Pausing the pointer at any instance on the timeline displays an information box that shows the number of new clients, impacted clients, and connected clients. You can modify the information displayed in the information box by selecting the
New Clients, Impacted Clients, and
Connected Clients check boxes.
Note: On computers running Windows, press
Ctrl and rotate the wheel button to zoom in and zoom out of the Incident Timeline.
Incidents List Table
The Incidents List table offers a summary of each incident.
Incidents List Table
Each incident is made up of a number of attributes. Under each attribute is a search field to limit the incident list based on the search criteria. Click the right arrow button to view more information about other incidents that contribute to the selected incident and information about the parent incident to which the selected incident contributes.
Table 3. Attributes of the Incidents List Table
The severity of an incident ranges from P1 to P4; P1 being the highest priority and P4 the lowest. The severity of an incident is determined by the client impact, duration, and other factors. You can see the severity score when you hover the mouse over the number. The severity score of the incident takes into account the scope of the incident, duration of the incident, and the severity of the incident; giving equal consideration to all the mentioned parameters to arrive at the severity score.
The date and time when the incident started.
The measure of how long the incident lasted.
A short description of the incident. Pausing the pointer over the description displays more information about the incident.
The type of incident, for example: Connection, Performance, and Infrastructure.
Connection incidents consist of the following categories:
User Authentication
Time to Connect
Performance incidents consist of the following categories:
Client Impact
The percentage of clients impacted by the incident.
Impacted Clients
The number of clients impacted by the incident.
The type of incident that occurred. You can view this by selecting the options from the drop-down menu. Options include SZ Cluster, Domain, Zone, AP Group and Access Point.
The area of the network in which the incident was detected. Pausing the pointer over the scope displays the entire path of the network node.
Clicking the Details icon displays the
Incident details page to find more details about the incident such as impacted areas, root cause, and recommendations.
Table 4. Attributes of the Incidents List Table
The severity of an incident ranges from P1 to P4; P1 being the highest priority and P4 the lowest. The severity of an incident is determined by the client impact, duration, and other factors. You can see the severity score when you hover the mouse over the number. The severity score of the incident takes into account the scope of the incident, duration of the incident, and the severity of the incident; giving equal consideration to all the mentioned parameters to arrive at the severity score.
The date and time when the incident started.
The measure of how long the incident lasted.
A short description of the incident. Pausing the pointer over the description displays more information about the incident.
The type of incident, for example: Connection, Performance, and Infrastructure.
Connection incidents consist of the following categories:
User Authentication
Time to Connect
Performance incidents consist of the following categories:
Client Impact
The percentage of clients impacted by the incident.
Impacted Clients
The number of clients impacted by the incident.
The type of incident that occurred. You can view this by selecting the options from the drop-down menu. Options include Venues, AP Group and Access Point.
The area of the network in which the incident was detected. Pausing the pointer over the scope displays the entire path of the network node.
Clicking the Details icon displays the
Incident details page to find more details about the incident such as impacted areas, root cause, and recommendations.
Incident Details Page
The header of the
Incident details page displays the severity level of a selected incident and the description of the incident.
Incident Details PageYou can also fix the thresholds for health parameters using the
Set Threshold option to validate the health of your network. Clicking
Set Threshold takes you to the
Health page where you can set the threshold for a parameter. For instance, if you set the threshold for the Time to Connect (TTC) parameter as 2 seconds, the TTC graph displays the number of connections that are able to connect to the network within 2 seconds. It also displays the average time to connect to the network in general, and the total connections attempting to connect to the network. Every time a new threshold is set, the graph trends simultaneously change as the computing changes. Similarly, thresholds can be set for various parameters to evaluate network health such as ROSSI, AP Capacity, AP Service Uptime, AP-to-SZ Service Latency, and Cluster Latency. The threshold will apply tot he incident related to the metric.
Incident Details Page
The header of the
Incident details page displays the severity level of a selected incident and the description of the incident.
Incident Details PageYou can also fix the thresholds for health parameters using the
Set Threshold option to validate the health of your network. Clicking
Set Threshold takes you to the
Health page where you can set the threshold for a parameter. For instance, if you set the threshold for the Time to Connect (TTC) parameter as 2 seconds, the TTC graph displays the number of connections that are able to connect to the network within 2 seconds. It also displays the average time to connect to the network in general, and the total connections attempting to connect to the network. Every time a new threshold is set, the graph trends simultaneously change as the computing changes. Similarly, thresholds can be set for various parameters to evaluate network health such as ROSSI, AP Capacity, AP Service Uptime, AP-to-Cloud Service Latency, and Cluster Latency. The threshold will apply tot he incident related to the metric.
Network Impact Tile
The Network Impact tile consists of various donut charts that represent the areas of the network that were impacted by the incident. Each incident type and subtype has a different set of network impact donut charts, but it is common to see WLANs, Client OS Types, AP Models, Radio Bands, and Reason Codes, which all help to explain some of the common questions: who is impacted, which devices are contributing, what are the reason codes, and more. Every donut chart is divided into donut charts of different colors. If you pause the pointer over any portion of the donut chart, an information box displays the impacted area of the incident and the clients affected by this the incident. Beneath each donut chart is a summary line Two donut charts are shown by default. You can click the right arrow and left arrow to navigate to other donut charts, or click Radio, WLAN, Client Manufacturers, or Reason to access a specific donut chart.
Network Impact Tile
Table 5. Attributes of Network Impact Table
Incident Type
Donut Charts
Chart Elements
User Authentication
Radio: The distribution of impacted clients who connected to 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz radios.
WLAN: The different WLANs to which the impacted clients are connected.
Client Manufactures: The distribution of device manufacturers.
Reason: The breakdown of various failure reasons experienced by the impacted clients.
Authentication Failure Ratio: A time series chart that shows the failure ratio over time. The chart includes data for 6 hours before and 6 hours after (if available) the incident.
Clients: Three types of time series data: a line for new clients, a line for connected clients, and an area chart for impacted clients.
Failure counts: A time series chart with three types of raw failure counts: Authentication Failures, Authentication Attempts, and Total Failures, which includes the total of all types of connection failures (authentication, association, EAP, DHCP, and so on) that were observed during this period.
Radio: The distribution of impacted clients who connected to 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz radios.
WLAN: The different WLANs to which the impacted clients are connected.
Client Manufactures: The distribution of device manufacturers.
Reason: The breakdown of various failure reasons experienced by the impacted clients.
EAP Failure Ratio: A time series chart that shows the failure ratio over time. The chart includes data for 6 hours before and 6 hours after (if available) the incident.
Clients: Three types of time series data: a line for new clients, a line for connected clients, and an area chart for impacted clients.
Failure counts: A time series chart with three types of raw failure counts: EAP Failures, EAP Attempts, and Total Failures, which includes the total of all types of connection failures (authentication, association, EAP, DHCP, and so on) that were observed during this period.
Radio: The distribution of impacted clients who connected to 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz radios.
WLAN: The different WLANs to which the impacted clients are connected.
Client Manufactures: The distribution of device manufacturers.
Reason: The breakdown of various failure reasons experienced by the impacted clients.
Association Failure Ratio: A time series chart that shows the failure ratio over time. The chart includes data for 6 hours before and 6 hours after (if available) the incident.
Clients: Three types of time series data: a line for new clients, a line for connected clients, and an area chart for impacted clients.
Failure counts: A time series chart with three types of raw failure counts: Association Failures, Association Attempts, and Total Failures, which includes the total of all types of connection failures (authentication, association, EAP, DHCP, and so on) that were observed during this period.
Radio: The distribution of impacted clients who connected to 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz radios.
WLAN: The different WLANs to which the impacted clients are connected.
Clients Manufactures: The distribution of device manufacturers.
Reason: The breakdown of various failure reasons experienced by the impacted clients.
DHCP Failure Ratio: A time series chart that shows the failure ratio over time. The chart includes data for 6 hours before and 6 hours after (if available) the incident.
Clients: Three types of time series data: a line for new clients, a line for connected clients, and an area chart for impacted clients.
Failure counts: A time series chart with three types of raw failure counts: DHCP Failures, DHCP Attempts, and Total Failures, which includes the total of all types of connection failures (authentication, association, EAP, DHCP, and so on) that were observed during this period.
Radio: The distribution of impacted clients who connected to 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz radios.
WLAN: The different WLANs to which the impacted clients are connected.
Client Manufactures: The distribution of device manufacturers.
Reason: The breakdown of various failure reasons experienced by the impacted clients.
Radius Failure Ratio: A time series chart that shows the failure ratio over time. The chart includes data for 6 hours before and 6 hours after (if available) the incident.
Clients: Three types of time series data: a line for new clients, a line for connected clients, and an area chart for impacted clients.
Failure counts: A time series chart with three types of raw failure counts: RADIUS Failures, RADIUS Attempts, and Total Failures, which includes the total of all types of connection failures (authentication, association, EAP, DHCP, and so on.) that were observed during this period.
Time to Connect
Radio: The distribution of impacted clients who connected to 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz radios.
WLAN: The different WLANs to which the impacted clients are connected.
Client Manufactures: The distribution of device manufacturers.
Reason: The breakdown of various failure reasons experienced by the impacted clients.
Time to Connect Failure Ratio: A time series chart that shows the failure ratio over time. The chart includes data for 6 hours before and 6 hours after (if available) the incident.
Clients: Three types of time series data: a line for new clients, a line for connected clients, and an area chart for impacted clients.
Time to Connect (By stage): A time
series chart that displays the time to connect based on
various stages of the connection such as authentication,
association, EAP, Radius, and DHCP. Pause the pointer over
the graph for more information.
Radio: The distribution of impacted clients who connected to 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz radios
WLAN: The different WLANs to which the impacted clients are connected.
Client Manufactures: The distribution of device manufacturers.
Reason: The breakdown of various failure reasons experienced by the impacted clients.
RSSI Quality by Clients: Three types of time series data: a line for new clients, a line for connected clients, and an area chart for impacted clients.
RSSI Distribution: The RSSI distribution over a period of time.
Network Latency
Ping Latency: Average time, in milliseconds, for the controller nodes to transmit and receive the packets. Maximum, average, and minimum latency trends are plotted on the graph.
Controller-1: CPU, memory and input-output usage of the controller node over time is displayed.
Controller-2: CPU, memory and input-output usage of the other controller node over time is displayed.
AP Model: distribution of impacted AP
AP Firmware: distribution of impacted AP
Reason by AP: distribution of reasons for failure that
caused the AP reboot.
Reason by Event: distribution of reasons for failure that
caused the AP reboot and triggered related events.
Reboot by System: a time series chart
that displays the number reboot events.
Connected Clients: a time series chart
that displays the number of clients connected at that point
in time.
Rebooted APs: a time series chart that
displays the number of APs that were rebooted at a point in
SmartZone CPU overload insight
SZ Applications: distribution of CPU
usage by individual SmartZone applications.
SZ Applications Group: distribution of
CPU usage by individual SmartZone application groups.
Normalized CPU Usage: a time series
chart that displays the CPU usage in percentage.
Memory and I/O Usage: a time series
chart that displays the memory and I/O usage in percentage.
You can select the check-box to displays only one or both of
the usage metrics.
CPU Usage by Application Groups: a time
series chart that displays the CPU usage in percentage, for
the variousSmartZone application groups. You can select the
check-box to displays only one or more of the usage
Insights Tile
The Insight tile of the
Incident Details page provides a summary of the root cause and recommended action for the incident. The root cause varies based on the incident type, impacted area, data events, and reason codes.
Insights Tile
Incident Info Tile
Incident Info tile lets you know the client impact count, the category and sub-category of the incident, the type, scope, duration, and date and time of the incident.. To explore more about the impacted clients, click
Client Impact Count.
Incident Info Tile
Click view details for more
information about the impacted clients. The Impacted
Clients page displays the user name, host name, client MAC address,
SSID, and manufacturer of the client. To troubleshoot the client, click the Client
Troubleshooting icon () to generate the client details
report, click the Client Details icon () on the Impacted Clients page. You can search for impacted clients by the
client MAC address and manufacturer.