July 2024 Release Information

New Features

The following software features are introduced in this release.

Feature Description
AP Management VLAN The AP Management VLAN can be configured at the AP and the venue level. The AP Management VLAN parameter allows you to customize the VLAN settings for venues and APs through the RUCKUS One web interface. This feature provides flexibility in network management by allowing specific VLAN configurations at the AP level. You can change the management VLAN ID from the default VLAN 1 to another VLAN from the RUCKUS One web interface, allowing AP management traffic to be routed through a VLAN other than VLAN 1.
Hotspot 2.0 Access Hotspot 2.0 networks offer accessibility and mobility, enabling internet access in public areas with secure authentication and roaming capabilities, ensuring safe access and connectivity.
Early access features management The tenant portal now includes an option for customers to enable and disable early access features, available exclusively to the Prime Admin role. Upon enabling RUCKUS One Early Access, customers must accept the RUCKUS One Early Access Agreement; a downloadable PDF version is available for convenience. This feature applies to both REC and MSP accounts.
Hospitality vertical dashboard optimization The RUCKUS One dashboard has been optimized to align with the Hospitality vertical. When logging into RUCKUS One as a Hospitality customer, users will now see all instances of Venue replaced with Space. Additionally, the page header will display Hospitality Edition. HSP customers will also find a new Brand 360 menu and Brand Properties replacing the previous My Customers menu item, providing a more tailored and intuitive user experience.
In-product license activation phase 2 Users can now activate licenses from the RUCKUS One web interface without redirecting to the RUCKUS Support portal.


The following enhancements are introduced in this release.

Enhancement Description
Email-based self-sign-in Users now have the option to use an email-based registration process when connecting to the WLAN. Users will receive a one-time password (OTP) in their email, which will grant them access to the network.
SMS Provider configuration to receive SMS messages RUCKUS One allows integrating a customer-owned private SMS provider, like Twilio or Esendex, for Captive Portal OTP and system-wide usage for all users. Each tenant is provided with an initial pool of 100 free SMS messages and you can view the current SMS usage and remaining pool for a tenant’s guest network from the RUCKUS One web interface.
Firmware upgrade management by switches The feature offers enhanced capabilities for managing update tasks at the switch level associated with one venue or across multiple venues. You can immediately update one or more specifically selected switches, or change the update schedule.
Ability to view traffic at the port level The Switch Traffic by Volume in the Overview page has been enhanced to access and view traffic data for individual ports easily.
Improved table sorting functionality update for MSP customers MSP Dashboard tables are now enhanced with sorting capabilities for the Status, Tier, and Entitlement columns.