Viewing the Service Validation Report Details

The Details tab of the Service Validation report displays detailed information about the status of the authentication stages.

To view the service validation report details, complete the following steps.

  1. From the navigation bar, select AI Assurance > Service Validation.
    The Service Validation page is displayed.
  2. From the Service Validation page, click a configured test.
    The service validation details page is displayed.
    Service Validation Report: Details Tab
  3. Click the Details tab.
    The Details tab of the Service Validation report displays the following information:
    • Target AP Name: Displays the name of the AP.
    • Target AP MAC: Displays the MAC address of the AP.
    • 802.11 Auth: Displays that status of the 802.11 authentication test.
      Note: For all tests, the status includes Pass, Fail, Error, and Pending. You can pause the pointer over the test status capsule to know more about the reason for success, failure, or error.
    • Association: Displays that status of the association authentication test.
    • PSK: Displays that status of the PSK authentication test.
    • DHCP: Displays that status of the DHCP authentication test.
    • DNS: Displays that status of the DNS authentication test.
    • Ping: Displays that status of the ping authentication test. The time taken for the ping response is also recorded in ms in the capsule.
    • Traceroute: Displays the traceroute details, such as the number of network hops and the time taken between hops for successful ping operations. Pause the pointer over the traceroute icon () for more information. It is enabled only when all authentication stages are passed successfully.
    • Upload: Displays the upload speed of the network. Timeout is displayed if the speed test times out for some reason.
    • Download: Displays the download speed of the network. Timeout is displayed if the speed test times out for some reason.