Testing Client Services

You can use the Network Health page to test LANs, WANs, and connectivity to application servers.

Complete the following steps to create a test.

  1. From the navigation bar, select AI Assurance > Service Validation.
    The Service Validation page is displayed.
  2. Click Create Test.
    The Create Test page is displayed.
    Creating a Test
  3. Complete the following fields:
    • Test Name: Enter a name for the test.
    • Client Type: Select one of the following options:
      • Virtual Client: For the Virtual Client option, the target AP to be tested will itself emulate a Wi-Fi client and test the connection stages, without any actual RF transmission over the air. The benefit of this option is that Service Validation tests for the non-wireless portion of the network (for example, DHCP, RADIUS, DNS, and so on) and can be simultaneously tested quickly over a large number of APs with no impact on existing Wi-Fi services.
      • Virtual Wireless Client: For the Virtual Wireless Client option, there will be actual RF transmissions over the air. For every target AP to be tested, a corresponding "station AP" is selected. The station AP is a neighboring AP with the best signal strength, and during the test, this station AP will behave as a station (that is, a Wi-Fi client) and wirelessly connect to the target AP, just like a regular Wi-Fi client, for the test. The benefit of this option is that the service validation test will comprehensively cover both wireless and wired portions of the network. However, during this test, the station AP may need to switch its operating channel to be the same as the target AP. This change in channel may cause some disruptions to the end user Wi-Fi experience (for example, during video calls). Thus, when Virtual Wireless Client is selected, the test procedure will be done one AP at a time to minimize disruption to the network, resulting in a longer test duration compared to the Virtual Client option.
        Note: For service validation with Virtual Wireless Client, only a neighbor on the same radio band can be used as the station AP. For example, if AP-1 has its 2.4 GHz radio turned off, it will not be used as the station AP for AP-2, even if AP-1 is the closest to AP-2 when the test is run on 2.4 GHz.

      After you choose one of the options, the service validation test cannot be modified. You can, however, create another test or clone this test to change the client type.

    • Test Type: Select a test type from the list.
    • Network: Select a network from the list.
    • Authentication Method: After the network is created, RUCKUS One automatically selects the authentication method. However, you can still manually select the method as necessary.
    • Radio Band: Select the radio frequency at which you want to test the APs. Options include 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz.
    • DNS Server: Select one of the options to assign IP address to APs: Default or Custom.
  4. Click Next. The AP selection page is displayed.
  5. Select the APs you want to include to the test from the network.
  6. Click Next. The Summary page is displayed.
  7. Click Save to save the test configuration.
After the test is created, it is displayed in the Service Validation page.

You can click Run to run the test to determine the network connectivity. After you run the test, results of the test are displayed under Last Result. Click the Clone, Edit and Delete icons () respectively to clone the test, edit test configuration options, or to delete the test. You can only edit a test that you create.