Viewing Configuration Changes

The Overview tab of the Service Validation report displays information about the test configuration that was used while creating the test. The Execution pane displays information about the average ping time in milliseconds, upload and download speeds in Mbps, and the percentage of APs within that zone that passed the test criteria.

Complete the following steps to view and analyze the configuration changes.
  1. On the navigation bar, select AI Assurance > Network Assurance > Config Change.
    The Config Change page is displayed.
    Configuration Change
  2. Select one of the following filters to view information.
    By default, the following KPI filters are displayed.
    • Overview
    • Connection
    • Connection
    • Performance
    • Infrastructure
  3. Select a KPI filter from the Add KPI Filter and click Apply.
  4. Use the Search Entity Name option to search an entity.
  5. Select an option from the Entity Type filter. By default, the following options are available:
    • AP
    • AP Group
    • WLAN
    • Venue