Feature Support Matrix

The following table lists the features supported in various SmartZone controllers and ICX switch models.

Table 1. Feature-Software Compatibility Matrix
Feature Supported SmartZone Release Supported ICX FastIron Release
Switch Insights 5.2.1 and later 8.0.95 and later
Service Validation 5.2.1+KSP (MLISA_SERVICE_VALIDATION_5_2_1_811419.ksp) + AP patch ( 8.0.95 and later
CPU Insight 5.2.1 and later 8.0.95 and later
TTG Insight 5.2.1 and later 8.0.95 and later
All Released RUCKUS AI Features 5.1.2 and later 8.0.95 and later
AI Driven Cloud RRM

5.2.1 and later

In case of more than one node for SZ cluster, SZ with KSP (ER-11990_FixRAServiceValidation_5_2_2_0_1563-v1_863521.ksp) / 6.1.1 / 6.1.2 / 7.0

8.0.95 and later
Dynamic PCAP 6.1.2 and later 8.0.95 and later