Wi-Fi Network Incidents and Reports

The Wi-Fi Network Incidents and Reports page provides you list of incidents and reports generated for the selected Wi-Fi network.

Compete the following steps to view the Wi-Fi Network Incidents and Reports page:
  1. On the Navigation bar, click Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi Networks > Wi-Fi Networks List. The Wi-Fi Network List page is displayed.
  2. Click Name attribute of the selected client. The Wi-Fi Network Incidents and Reports page is displayed.
Wi-Fi Network Incidents and Reports Page

The Wi-Fi Network Incidents and Reports page displays the list of incidents, network overview, traffic by volume, network history, connected clients over time, and top applications by traffic for the selected Wi-Fi network.

The Wi-Fi Network Incidents and Reports page has following tabs:
  • Incidents
  • Reports

To view more information about Wi-Fi Network Incidents page, refer to Wi-Fi Network Incidents.

To view more information about Wi-Fi Network Reports page, refer to Wi-Fi Network Reports.