Service Validation

Service Validation allows the IT team to orchestrate tests and confirm the functionality of critical network services. This level of assurance goes beyond simple flagging network incidents. With service validation, administrators do not have to purchase new test hardware. They can turn the existing APs into virtual user endpoints and initiate test traffic. The Service Validation page allows users to test LAN, WAN and connectivity to application servers with ease.

The APs will emulate virtual clients and perform the end-to-end connectivity tests (such as EAP, RADIUS, DHCP, DNS, ping, and traceroute) thereby connecting to a Wi-Fi network and the internet thereafter. Service validation also performs speed tests to determine the quality of the connection, thereby offering a comprehensive, end-to-end testing mechanism. You can create tests and customize them based on your network requirements. For example, you can create a test to determine network connectivity for a subset of APs within your network. There is no limitation on the number of APs selected to perform these tests. The APs continue to serve actual clients while performing these tests, but it is important to note that these tests generate test traffic over the wired interface.
Note: Mesh APs cannot participate in network health tests.

Network Health Page

The Network Health page allows you to test LANs, WANs, and connectivity to application servers.

To access the Service Validation page, complete the following steps.

  1. From the navigation bar, select AI Assurance > Service Validation.
    The Service Validation page is displayed containing information about the test created earlier such as the test name, number of APs tested, last run time, test results, and so on. It also displays the total number of tests created, number of tests that passed and failed, and those that are pending and yet to be run on the network.
  2. From the Service Validation page, select a test item and perform the following actions:
    • Run: Allows you to run the test to determine the network connectivity.
    • Clone: Allows you to clone the test configuration.
    • Edit: Allows you to edit the test configuration options.
    • Delete: Allows you to delete the test configuration.