Viewing the Wired Report from Wired

The Wired Report page provides details of total traffic, switches, and clients on the network. It also contains information regarding the received and transmitted traffic between them.

You can access the Wired Report page from the following main pages:
  • Wired
  • Business Insights > Reports

To view the Wired Report page from Wired main page. On the Navigation bar, click Wired > Switches > Wired Report.

To view the Wired Report page from Business Insights main page. Refer to Wired Report.

Wired Report Page (Upper Portion Only)
The Wired Report page has the following components:
  • Overview tile
  • Traffic Distribution by Switch Model and Port Speed tile
  • Top Switches by Traffic tile
  • Top Switches by PoE Usage tile
  • Top Switches by Errors tile
  • Traffic Trend tile
  • Error Trend tile

The data displayed is for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter.

Note: All counts shown in bar charts, pie charts and tables are exact counts. The counts in trend charts are approximate.

Some of the tiles have the option to view the report in graphs and tables. The Graph and Table icons are displayed on top of the applicable tiles. By default, in those tiles, the reports are displayed in graphical format. If you want to view the report in table format, click the Table icon.

The top right corner of the Wired Report pages display options to share and export reports in PDF and CSV formats. You can also share them with recipients over e-mails on-demand or periodically by configuring a schedule (daily, weekly and monthly). To download or create a schedule, refer to Content Panel.

The Date and Time filter is displayed in the upper-right corner of the Content panel. This option controls the elements displayed within the Content Panel. To modify this options, refer to Content Panel.

All of the tiles described above are explained in detail on the Wired Report page under the Reports section. Refer to Wired Report.