Switch List
The Switch List page displays all the switches connected to the network.

The Switch List page displays all the connected switches in a table for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter.
- Switch Name: Displays the name of the switch.
- MAC Address: Displays the MAC address of the switch.
- Model: Displays the model of the switch.
- Version: Displays the current software version of the switch.
You can use the search field to limit the switches list based on the search criteria.
The Date and Time filter are displayed in the upper-right corner of the Content panel. This option controls the elements displayed within the Content Panel. To modify this option, refer to Content Panel.
You can select the number of switches displayed in the table from the drop-down at the bottom of the table.
Click Switch Name attribute. The Switch Incidents and Reports page of the selected switch is displayed. This page displays list of incidents and reports generated for the selected switch. For more information, refer to Switch Incidents and Reports.