Venue Details: RWG

RUCKUS One provides a way to see all devices, including RUCKUS WAN Gateways (RWGs), associated with a specific venue.

When displaying the details for a specific venue, the Devices tab provides a quick view of all associated devices. Here, the RWG sub-tab displays the same status information that is available via the RWG main-menu option and provides single-click access to the gateway details.

Complete the following steps to view information about the RWG devices associated with a specific venue:

  1. On the navigation bar, click Venues.
    The Venues page is displayed.
  2. Click Venue Name > Devices.
    The Devices page is displayed.
    RWG Devices
  3. Select the RWG tab.
    The list of RWG devices is displayed.
  4. Click on a name to display the details about the RWG device.