Ruckus LTE AP Management license information shows the type of license that you have purchased, the number of APs that your account can support, and additional details about your license subscriptions.
Follow these steps to view your license information.
The temporary (TEMP) licenses are valid only for 60 days; there is no grace period. If new licenses are not obtained, expiration of TEMP license will result in deletion of APs
On the Dashboard, click
Administration page appears.
Click the
License tab to review your licenses.
License window displays.
- If any of your licenses are about to expire, or have expired, a banner displays at the top of the screen.
- The paid licenses have a 60-day grace period. An alarm is raised thirty days prior to the subscription expiration, and the administrator receives an email notification on a weekly basis until the date of the expiration. The text in the license expiration banner changes depending on the status of the license, the number of days before it expires, or the numbers of days left in the grace period.
- After the grace period expires, you cannot manage the APs using
AP Management. A notification is sent with details of the expired APs to allow you to identify and renew the licenses of the impacted APs. After the expiry of a thirty-day grace period, the APs are removed from your
Ruckus LTE AP Management account.
- TEMP licenses are valid only for 60 days; there is no grace period.
- The progress bars show the percentage of the APs deployed in both text and a graphic format, for the Wi-Fi and LTE network. The fraction at the end of the progress bar indicates the number of current APs deployed/the maximum number of APs that you can deploy. For example, if you see 12/20, this indicates that you have deployed 12 APs and the maximum number of APs you can deploy is 20.
- The
Total usage information is displayed next to the progress bars and displays the total usage summery value.
Under the
License Subscriptions header the following fields are displayed.
- License for: Indicates the maximum number of APs allowed for your license subscription.
- Type
: Type of
AP Management license that your organization purchased. License type includes Wi-Fi Basic, LTE trial, and LTE basic.
- Activated On: Indicates the date and time when your organization activated the license subscription.
- Expires on: Indicates the date and time when your license subscription expires.
- Time left: Indicates the length of time, in days, left before your license subscription expires.
- Act Now: If the license has expired, the
Act Now
link appears at the end of the row. Click
Act Now
to view the instructions on how to re-activate a license. You can contact the reseller, go to the license management website, or contact the Ruckus support team.
You can have multiple license subscriptions.
You have completed viewing your license information.