Wireless Client Reports

The Wireless Client Reports page provides detailed information about the selected client.

Complete the following steps to view the Wireless Client Reports page.
  1. On the Navigation bar, click Clients > Wireless > Wireless Clients List. The Wireless Clients List page is displayed.
  2. Click Hostname attribute of the selected client. The Wireless Client Troubleshooting and Reports page is displayed.
  3. Click Reports. The Wireless Client Reports page is displayed.
Wireless Client Reports Page (Upper Portion Only)
The Wireless Client Reports page has the following components:
  • Overview tile
  • User Traffic by Radio tile
  • Top Applications by Traffic tile
  • Traffic Trend Tile
  • RSS Trend tile
  • SNR Trend tile
  • Sessions table
Note: All counts shown in bar charts, pie charts and tables are exact counts. The counts in trend charts are approximate.

The data displayed is for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. You can use the search field to filter the troubleshooting information based on the search criteria, such as categories, types, and radio bands.

Some of the tiles have the option to view the report in graphs and tables. The Graph and Table icons are displayed on top of the applicable tiles. By default, in those tiles, the reports are displayed in graphical format. If you want to view the report in table format, click the Table icon.

The Date and Time filter are displayed in the upper-right corner of the Content panel. This option controls the elements displayed within the Content Panel. To modify this option, refer to Content Panel.

Overview Tile

The Overview tile provides a general overview of the selected client and displays the count of total APs connected, average rate, user traffic, average session length, completed sessions, and applications for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter.

Overview Tile

User Traffic by Radio Tile

The User Traffic by Radio tile contains a graph that displays the traffic by radio over time for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. The graph displays the total traffic information for the radio band configured on the client AP. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the details of the radio band at that time and date.
User Traffic by Radio Tile

Top Applications by Traffic Tile

The Top Applications by Traffic tile contains two panes Top Applications by Traffic and Top Applications by Traffic Over Time.

The Top Applications by Traffic pane displays a donut chart. The donut chart display the top applications with the largest traffic in the AP, along with the received and transmitted traffic for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the chart displays an information box with the details of the selected application.

The Top Applications by Traffic Over Time pane displays a graph. The graph display the top applications with the largest traffic in the AP, along with the received and transmitted traffic for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the details of the application at that time and date. Click any of the colored squares to hide the selected application in the graph. The information icon that is hidden is displayed in gray.

Top Applications by Traffic Tile - Chart and Graph

To view all the applications, click Table icon. The table is displayed with the application name, port, downlink traffic, uplink traffic, and total traffic for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter.

Use the graph and table icons to toggle between the chart and table views.
Top Applications by Traffic Tile - Table

Traffic Trend Tile

The Traffic Trend tile contains following sub tiles:
  • Traffic by Usage tile
  • Traffic by Radio tile
Traffic by Usage: This tile contains a graph that displays the traffic by usage over time for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. The graph displays the information of the total downlink traffic, total uplink traffic, and total user traffic. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the details of the traffic at that time and date. Click any of the colored squares to hide the selected traffic in the graph. The information icon that is hidden is displayed in gray.
Traffic by Usage Tile
Traffic by Radio: This tile contains a graph that displays the traffic by radio over time for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. The graph displays the total traffic information for the radio band configured on the client AP. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the details of the radio band at that time and date.
Traffic by Radio Tile

RSS Trend Tile

The RSS Trend tile contains a graph that displays the received signal strength trends over time for the selected client AP. This data is displayed only for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the RSS details at that time and date. Click any of the colored squares to hide the selected RSS details in the graph. The information icon that is hidden is displayed in gray.

RSS Trend Tile

SNR Trend Tile

The SNR Trend tile contains a graph that displays the signal-to-noise ratio over time for selected client AP. This data is displayed only for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the SNR details at that time and date. Click any of the colored squares to hide the selected SNR details in the graph. The information icon that is hidden is displayed in gray.

SNR Trend Tile

Sessions Table

The Sessions table displays information on the number of client sessions specified for the selected client AP between time periods. This data is displayed only for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. The table displays attributes such as first connection, disconnection time, session duration, host name, SSID, radio, inbound user (Rx), outbound user (Tx), and user traffic.

Sessions Table