Video Call QoE

RUCKUS One Video Call QoE (Quality of Experience) allows network administrators to test the quality of video calls made through applications, such as Zoom, over the Wi-Fi network.

Note: Video Call QoE is available only to professional tiers or MSP accounts.

Because video calls have high bandwidth requirements, they are susceptible to issues such as latency and jitter, which can be analyzed and resolved with the help of video call testing. The test results are captured in a report, which provides insight into various network parameters, pointing to potential corrective action that can enhance video quality.

  1. To access this tool, click the AI Assurance > Network Assurance > Video Call QoE menu option.
    The Video Call QoE page is displayed.
  2. Click Create Test Call.

    When creating a test call, RUCKUS One provides you with a zoom link for you to join the session while the tool measures the network performance statistics.

    Creating a Test Call