Viewing Venues That Are Advertising a Network

From RUCKUS One, you can view information about venues that are advertising a network.

Complete the following steps to view a list of venues that are advertising a specific network.
  1. From the navigation pane, click Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi Networks List.
    The Network List page is displayed.
  2. Click a specific Network name, then click the Venues tab. Alternatively, click Venue number in the Venues column.
    The Venues tab is displayed.
    Venues Tab
    The Venues tab displays a list of all existing venues in your RUCKUS One account, including the following information:
    • Venue: Displays the name of the venue.
    • City: Displays the city in which the venue is located.
    • Country: Displays the country in which the venue is located.
    • Networks: Displays the total number of networks configured on the venue.
    • Wi-Fi APs: Displays the number of access points that have been added to the venue.
    • Activated: Displays the activated or deactivated status of the venue. Venues that are activated indicate the venues in which this network is being advertised.
    • VLAN: Displays the VLAN ID that is assigned to the venue.
    • APs: Displays whether the network settings are applied to all APs or to specific AP groups of the venue.
    • Radios: Displays the radio bandwidths on which this venue's APs are operating.
    • Scheduling: Displays the network availability schedule for the venue.
    • Tunnel: Shows the tunneling service or profile associated with each active network. The Tunnel column entry is clickable, allowing you to modify the tunneling type or configuration, as appropriate for the network and venue. Tunnel types follow:
      • Local Breakout: This option is automatically chosen when the venue is not linked to any tunneling service. When connected to any SD-LAN service, the network traffic will not be tunneled to the Edge cluster. APs will bridge this network traffic on its uplink ethernet port with appropriate VLAN on the ethernet network.
        Local Breakout

      • SoftGRE Tunneling: A SoftGRE profile tunnels the traffic to a SoftGRE gateway.
        • Select a preconfigured SoftGRE profile from the drop-down list and click Apply, or click Add to create a SoftGRE profile. Refer to Creating a SoftGRE Profile for more information.
        • Click Profile details to view the associated tunnel gateway addresses and tunnel usage configurations for the selected SoftGRE profile.

        For exceptions, refer to SoftGRE Tunneling Support.

        SoftGRE Tunneling
      • SD-LAN Tunneling: The SD-LAN service tunnels traffic to a RUCKUS Edge device. Click the See more information link, to view information on Configuring an SD-LAN service.
        • For all network types except Captive Portal, traffic is tunneled between the AP and a Data Center Edge device, meaning you will not see the Forward guest traffic to DMZ option in the dialog box.
        • For Captive Portal networks, traffic is tunneled between a Data Center Edge device and a DMZ Edge device if the Forward guest traffic to DMZ option is enabled in the dialog box.

        Refer to Software Defined Local Area Network and Configuring the SD-LAN Service for additional information.

        Note: If the venue is linked to an SD-LAN service, you can configure the DMZ or DC tunnel settings from this window. To configure, select the required option and click Apply.
        Tunneling Options