Managing Licenses and Assigning APs

You can manage the licenses that you have purchased for Cloud or APs managed by SmartZone controllers.

Note: Ensure that you have the proper license subscriptions to manage the licenses.
The following table lists the available license subscription packages.
Table 1. License Subscription Packages
License Type Description
CLD-ANAP-1001 RUCKUS Analytics 1-year subscription for 1 Cloud-or SmartZone-managed AP or ICX switch
CLD-ANAP-3001 RUCKUS Analytics 3-year subscription for 1 Cloud-or SmartZone-managed AP or ICX switch
CLD-ANAP-5001 RUCKUS Analytics 5-year subscription for 1 Cloud-or SmartZone-managed AP or ICX switch
CLR-ANAP-1001 RUCKUS Analytics 1-year subscription for 1 Cloud-or SmartZone-managed AP or ICX switch
CLR-ANAP-3001 RUCKUS Analytics 3-year subscription for 1 Cloud-or SmartZone-managed AP or ICX switch
CLR-ANAP-5001 RUCKUS Analytics 5-year subscription for 1 Cloud-or SmartZone-managed AP or ICX switch
CLD-ANAP-TM90 RUCKUS Analytics 90-day trial subscription for 1 Cloud-or SmartZone-managed AP or ICX switch

A notification is sent to the administrator one week before the license expiration is due. A grace period of seven days is available to use the license after the license expiration date. After this grace period, you can only view data populated till the license expiration date and no new data (after license expiration date) will be displayed. You can view old data up to six months after license expiration.

  1. From the web interface, go to Admin > Licenses.
    The Licenses page displays the following information:
    • Type: Displays the type of license package as described in the preceding table
    • Total Count: Displays the total number of licenses assigned
    • Accounts: displays the licenses of all the partner accounts
    • Count Used: Displays the number of licenses used from the total number assigned
    • Start Date/Time: Displays the date and time when the license is activated
    • Expiration Date/Time: Displays the date and time when the license expires or deactivates
    • Days to Expiration: Displays the number of days available to use the license
    • Description: Displays a short description about the license type

    The Refresh License option refreshes this page to display the latest license information.

    The Claim your free 90-day trial option allows you to use the new built-in 90-day free trial license for 100 APs or ICX switches. Select this option to claim the license immediately. It can only be claimed once. The license is available to all accounts which do not have any paid licenses.

    Beneath the Licenses page title, Total Count displays the sum of all the license allotted, Licenses Used displays a sum of all the licenses used from the total number allotted, and Licenses Left displays the sum of all the licenses remaining from the total number allotted.

    Licenses Page
  2. Click the edit icon to assign APs to the license selected.
    The Link Licenses and APs dialog box is displayed.

    From the Network column on the left, select the system from which you want to assign the APs. The number of APs associated with the system are displayed above the column. After you select the network, the APs within the network are listed in the column on the right. You can manually choose the APs by selecting the check boxes. The number of APs selected from the total APs associated with the network is displayed on top of the column, and also within brackets in the network tree structure. To choose all the APs within the network, select the check box on top of the column.

    Note: If new APs are added to a system, licenses are not automatically assigned to them. You must manually assign licenses to new APs that are added to a system.
    Link Licenses and APs Dialog Box

    If an AP is already assigned a license, it will be unavailable and you will not be able to select it. A message is also displayed next to the AP stating the license to which it is assigned.

    You can use the search bar to find an AP by the AP name or the AP MAC address. You can also see the number of APs matching the search string (name or MAC address) specified in the search bar.

    The Orphaned APs column displays the APs that are no longer connected to the network. For example, the AP location may have changed or the AP may have lost network connectivity, and therefore there is no account for the AP in the network. You cannot find or search for an orphaned AP within the network. Pause the pointer over the Orphaned APs section for more information about scenarios in which an AP can become orphaned.

    The MAC address of the orphaned AP is displayed. The license associated with the orphaned AP is no longer valid, so you can release the license to be assigned to another AP within the network.

    A color bar is displayed on top of the columns representing the available licenses for the APs. The bar displays green when the number of licenses consumed is less than 50 percent of the available licenses. It displays yellow when more than 50 percent of the available licenses are consumed, and displays red when more than 75 percent of the available licenses are consumed.

  3. Click Save.