Viewing Onboarded Systems

You can view the list of your SmartZone controllers that have onboarded to the system and also view additional information regrading their connection status, firmware versions, and so on.

In RUCKUS Analytics, you can access only your account information. If you are a third-party user requiring access to other accounts to manage them, for example, a VAR user requiring access to your customer's account, you can access the customer account only by onboarding the SmartZone controller. After the SmartZone controller is onboarded, a license is attached to the account. The controller data is made available after onboarding. However, access to the controller data is only possible when the license account IDs for the controller and RUCKUS Analytics are the same.

Note: You must enable the analytics and cloud features in the controller and log in with your RUCKUS customer login details to onboard the controller. For more information, refer to Onboarding the controller to RUCKUS Analytics.
  1. From the web interface, go to Admin > Onboarded Systems.
    The Onboarded Systems page displays the following information about the controller:
    • Status: Displays the connection status of the onboarded controller. If the controller has onboarded and connected successfully, and if data is transmitted to RUCKUS Analytics, the status is displayed in Green. If the controller is offboarded and not sending any data, the status is displayed in Grey. If the onboarding is in progress, the status is displayed in Yellow. If the connection to the controller is lost, or when data is not transmitted, the status is displayed in Red.

      You can also pause the pointer over the status to read more information about the status from a tooltip.

    • Name: Displays the name of the controller
    • Accounts: displays the name of all the partner accounts
    • Controller: displays the SmartZone controllers names associated with various accounts
    • Firmware version: Displays the controller firmware version
    • AP Count: Displays the number of APs from the controller that transmit data
    • External IP Address: Displays the external IP address of the controller
    • Internal IP Address: Displays the internal IP address of the controller
    • Added Time: Displays the time when the controller was onboarded to the RUCKUS Analytics system
    • Last Update Time: Displays the time stamp of the controller communication

    In some partnerships where more than two organizations are involved, a primary account holder is defined as the one that owns the SmartZone controller and the secondary account holder is the one that has a RUCKUS Analytics license but does not own a controller. However, the primary account holder can onboard the controller to the secondary account. In this arrangement, networking data from the SmartZone network of the primary account holder can be streamed to the RUCKUS Analytics account of secondary account, and the secondary account holders can view data directly in their accounts even though they do not own the controller.