Signing Up for RUCKUS Cloud

Before you can connect your RUCKUS ICX devices to RUCKUS Cloud, you must first sign up for the service.

To register for RUCKUS Cloud, you must provide your personal information, including your email address, company name, physical address, and phone number.

Complete the following steps to sign up for the RUCKUS Cloud service.

  1. Visit the URL: and click Sign up for a free trial. The RUCKUS Cloud Trial page appears. When you sign up for the free trial, you will be sent a temporary (TEMP) license that is valid for 60 days. You must convert this license to a regular RUCKUS Cloud license before the end of the 60-day trial. There is no grace period for TEMP licenses.
    The RUCKUS Cloud login page displays.
  2. In the Trial Registration Form section, provide your contact information.
  3. Click Request Your Free Trail.
    The page refreshes, and the following message displays: We received your request for the 60-day free trial of RUCKUS Cloud. Thank you for your interest. A RUCKUS representative will contact you within 1 business day.

    Within the next 24 hours, you will receive an email message from RUCKUS Wireless concerning your RUCKUS Cloud trial registration.

    Note: If the RUCKUS Cloud login page displays instead of the RUCKUS Cloud Dashboard, use the email address and password that you provided during signup to log in to RUCKUS Cloud at: