Managing End Customers

After setting up the customer portal, you can add your end customers and assign Integrators or Installers to them.

Complete the following steps to manage and troubleshoot an end customer.
  1. On the navigation bar, click My Customers > Brand Properties.
    The Brand Properties page is displayed.
  2. (Optional) In the Brand Properties page, select a customer and click Edit. When the Customer Details page is displayed, toggle the Enable access to Ruckus Support button to enable this option. If you enable this feature, the RUCKUS Support team is granted a temporary administrator-level access for 21 days. Enable this feature when requested by the RUCKUS Support team.
  3. (Optional) In the Brand Properties page, select a RUCKUS end customer and click Assign MSP Administrator. When the Assign MSP Administrators sidebar is displayed, you can select or deselect an MSP administrator, change the role of the administrator. After changing the administrators or changing the role of an administrators, click Assign.
  4. (Optional) In the Brand Properties page, select a customer and click Delete to delete the customer from the brand dashboard
  5. In the Brand Properties page, click on the name of customer to masquerade the customer, and manage or monitor networks, devices, and clients.
  6. In the RUCKUS One web interface, click Home to return to the brand dashboard.
For more instructions on how to manage and monitor networks and devices, refer to MSP User Operations.