Adding a Brand Property

After setting up the customer portal, you can add brand properties and assign Integrators or Installers to them.

Complete the following steps to add a brand property.
Note: For information on how to set up a customer portal, refer to Setting Up a Customer Portal.
  1. On the navigation bar, click My Customers > Brand Properties.
    The Brand Properties page is displayed with the following information:
    • Customers: Name of the customer.
    • Status: Status of the customer, Active or Inactive.
    • MSP Admin Count: The number of MSP Administrators that are assigned to the customer. Click on the number under the MSP Admin Count column to view information about the MSP administrator.
    • Integrator Count: The number of Integrators assigned to the property. Click on the number under the Integrator Count column to view information about the Integrator.
    • Installer Admin Count: The number of Installers assigned to the property. Click on the number under the Installer Count column to view information about the Installer.
    • Installed Devices: The number of devices installed. Click on the number under the Installed Devices column to view the network devices that are installed.
    • Assigned Device Subscriptions: The number of device subscriptions assigned to the customer.
    • Device Subscription Utilization: The percentage of device subscription utilization.
    • No-License Devices: The number of devices with no licenses.
    • License Expiration Devices/Days: The number of devices that are going to expire and the number of days remaining before the expiration.
    • Tenant ID: A unique identifier for the tenant account. The tenant ID is located in the Address bar of the browser screen. Once you log in to the RUCKUS One portal, you can find the Tenant ID in the URL.
  2. On the Brand Properties page, click Add Property.
    The Add Brand Property Account page is displayed.
    Adding a Brand Property Account

    You can click Manage next to Brand Property, MSP Administrators, Integrator, and Installer to manage these attributes.

  3. Click Manage next to Brand Property.
    The Manage Brand Property sidebar is displayed showing all existing properties that have the same HSP brand name and do not already have a RUCKUS One account being managed in the brand MSP.
    Onboarding a Brand Property Account
  4. From the Property Name column, select one or more properties and click Save.
    The property name will be added to the brand.
    Note: Use the search option to find a property name.
  5. (Optional) Click Manage next to MSP Administrators. When the sidebar is displayed, select one or more MSP administrators from the Name column, select a role, and click Save.
    You can assign one of the following roles to the MSP administrator:
    • Prime Admin: The highest-level administrator role in RUCKUS One. This role allows administrators to perform all configuration, monitoring, and administration tasks in your RUCKUS One account.
    • Administrator: This role allows administrators to fully control tenant accounts and to manage delegated tenants, if permitted by the Prime Admin.
    • Guest Manager: This role allows administrators to manage guest user accounts.
    • Read-Only: This role allows administrators to view venues, APs, networks, guest accounts, events, and reports. However, an administrator that is assigned this role cannot perform any configuration tasks, including creating or editing venues, APs, switches, networks, and guest accounts.
  6. (Optional) Click Manage next to Integrator to select one or more Integrators from the Manage Integrator sidebar. Click Save to retain your selection.
  7. (Optional) Click Manage next to Installer, select one or more Installers, and click Save.
  8. Click Add to complete adding the Brand Property.
For more instructions on how to manage and monitor networks and devices, refer to MSP User Operations.