
The Dashboard page provides a brief overview of network status performance in the form of data and a graphical representation.

On the Navigation bar, click Dashboard. The Dashboard page is displayed. The Dashboard page provides a summary of the network health, incident occurrences across the system, network history, solutions to reduce co-channel interference, solutions to enhance network performance, and key service-level agreement (SLA) metrics. The dashboard is a starting point for network administrators seeking specific workflows and issues that may require attention.

RUCKUS AI Dashboard
The Dashboard page provides a summary of network health and has the following components:
  • Scrolling Data tile
  • Incidents tile
  • Did you know tile
  • Network History tile
  • AI-Driven RRM tile
  • AI Operations tile
  • SLA tile

The Network Hierarchy and Date and Time filters are displayed in the upper-right corner of the Content panel. These options control the elements displayed within the Content panel. To modify these options, refer to Content Panel.

Scrolling Data Tile

The Scrolling Data tile provides a scrolling summary of key usage metrics and displays five layers of data specific to the selected network (in the Network Hierarchy filter) for the selected time period (in the Date and Time filter). The scroll mechanism displays a different layer of data every two seconds. Click on the displayed data result to open the relevant layer page. You can also click directly on any of the layers to view that data immediately, instead of waiting for it to cycle around again.

Table 1. Layers of Scrolling Data Tile
Tile Data Description Link Destination
AP Count Displays the number of unique APs in the selected network during the selected date and time period. The Access Points page is displayed. This page displays the AP details. For more information, refer to Access Points Report.
Unique Clients Displays the number of unique clients that have connected to the selected network during the selected date and time period. The Clients page is displayed. This page displays the client, client devices, and user details. For more information, refer to Wireless Clients Report.
Traffic Displays a sum of traffic sent and received by all APs in the selected network during the selected date and time period. The Wireless page is displayed. This page displays the network and traffic usage. For more information, refer to Wireless Report.
Applications Displays the total number of detected applications in the selected network during the selected date and time period. The Application page is displayed. This page displays the application consumption. For more information, refer to Applications Report.
Active WLANs Displays the total number of WLANs that have been active on APs (clients have connected) to the selected network during the selected date and time period. The WLANs page is displayed. This page displays the WLAN traffic, client, and usage details. For more information, refer to WLANs Report.
Scrolling Data Tile

Incidents Tile

The Incidents tile displays the total count of incidents that have occurred in the selected network during the selected date and time period. This data is arranged based on the severity levels of the incidents. Also, the total count of clients impacted at each severity level is displayed.

Click the Expand icon (>). The Incidents page is displayed. This page displays the list of all the incidents that have occurred on the network. For more information, refer to Incidents.

The Incidents tile has following components:
  • Incidents Count
  • Severity Levels
  • Clients Impacted
Incidents Tile

Incidents Count

The total count of incidents that have occurred in the network is displayed beside the Incidents title.

Severity Levels

Incident counts are displayed, per severity level, based on the dashboard filter criteria. Each severity level is identified by priority and color. The severity levels are listed in the following table:
Table 2. Severity Levels of an Incident
Incident Priority Color
P1 Critical Red
P2 High Dark Orange
P3 Medium Orange
P4 Low Yellow

Clients Impacted

For each incident severity level, the total number of impacted clients is displayed below the Severity Level labels.

Click the Expand icon (>). The Incidents page is displayed. This page displays high-level details for each incident, facilitating deeper analysis on a per-incident basis. For more information, refer to Incidents.

Did you know? Tile

The Did you know? tile displays a short, bulleted list about your system, such as top zones, top APs, traffic information, the average duration of a session for a week, or the busiest SSID. The Did you know? section is updated every time you return to the Dashboard.

Network History Tile

The Network History tile is a graphical representation of the new clients connecting to the network, the number of clients actively connected to the network, and the number of clients affected by the network incidents for the selected network during the selected date and time period. Each metric is identified by the following color lines:
  • Blue line: This line represents the new client associations. The client count value includes all unique clients that attempted to connect to the network, including both failed and successful connections.
  • Orange line: This line represents the connected clients. The client count value indicates only successfully connected clients to the network.
  • Green line: This line represents the impacted clients. The client count value includes the number of clients impacted by the incidents, and it also includes clients who were unable to connect.

AI-Driven RRM Tile

The AI-Driven RRM tile displays the latest recommendations for each zone to reduce co-channel interference to the lowest level possible for APs managed by SmartZone controllers for the selected network during the selected date and time period.

Click Expand icon (>). The AI-Driven RRM page is displayed. This page displays the list of all the recommendations. For more information, refer to AI-Driven RRM.

Click on the specific recommendation. The AI-Driven RRM specific recommendation page is displayed. This page displays the recommendation details of the specific zone. For more information, refer to Recommendation Details.

AI Operations Tile

The AI Operations tile displays the latest network performance enhancement solutions for the selected network during the selected date and time period.

Click Expand icon (>). The AI Operations page is displayed. This page displays the list of all the network performance enhancement solutions. For more information, refer to AI Operations.

Click on a specific recommendation. The AI Operations specific recommendation page is displayed. This page displays the recommendation details of the specific zone or client. For more information, refer to AI Operations Recommendation Details.

SLA Tile

The SLA tile displays the most important service-level agreement (SLA) metrics, including successful client connections, time taken by the client to connect to the network, and client throughput for the selected network during the selected date and time period. The data is shown in percentage format, indicating by what percentage the network clients met the target.

These, and other SLA metrics, are available on the Health page for viewing and customization. For more information, refer to Monitoring Wireless Network Health.


Demonstration of Dashboard Overview. This video walks you through the RUCKUS AI Dashboard.

Click to play video in full screen mode.