Adding an AP Group

You can add an AP Group to your RUCKUS One account.

Complete the following steps to add an AP Group to your RUCKUS Cloud account.
  1. On the navigation bar, click Wi-Fi > Access Points > AP Group List.
    The Access Point page is displayed. By default, the AP Group List tab is selected.
  2. On the upper-right corner of the AP Group List page, click Add .
    The Add AP Group page is displayed.
    Adding an AP Group
  3. Complete the following fields to add AP Group details:
    • Group Name: Enter name for the AP Group. You can use a department name or another name that identifies the AP Group. Only the following characters are allowed: a through z (lowercase), A through Z (uppercase), 0 through 9, spaces, and other special characters (!, ", #, $, %, ', (, ), *, +, -, /, <, =, >, ?, @, [, ], ^, _, {, }, |, ~, and the comma, the period, the colon, and the semicolon). The following combinations are not allowed: ` and $(.
    • Venue: Select the venue to which you want to deploy this AP Group.
  4. In the Group Member section, from the list of APs, highlight the APs to be members of the AP Group and click Add. Alternatively, you can use the Search option to search the APs in the list.
    When selected, the AP names are displayed in the Selected APs list.
  5. Click Add.
    The new AP Group is displayed in the AP Groups List page.