Creating or Editing a Bonjour Service

By default, no Bonjour services exist on all managed APs. You can create or edit a Bonjour service to define the Apple services that you want to advertise on an AP.


To reach the AP Bonjour Services page described in this procedure, click APs on the menu, and then click an AP name. When the AP information page appears, locate the Settings box in the bottom-right corner of the page, and then click Edit. The AP Bonjour Services page appears.

Complete the following steps to create or edit a Bonjour service.

  1. From the navigation pane, click Networking Devices and select the WiFi tab.
  2. Click an AP name to view details about the AP.
  3. In Settings in the bottom-right corner of the page, click Edit. The AP Bonjour Services page is displayed.
  4. On the AP Bonjour Services page, complete one of the following steps::
    • To add a Bonjour service, click + Add Service. The Create Bonjour Service dialog box is displayed.

    • To edit a Bonjour service, locate the service that you want to edit on the list, and then click .

    Depending on what you clicked, the Create Bonjour Service or Edit Bonjour Service dialog box appears. The Edit Bonjour Service dialog box is displayed.

  5. Complete the following fields to create or edit a Bonjour service:
    • Service Type: Select the Bonjour service that you want to advertise on the AP.

    • From VLAN: Enter the VLAN ID from which the Bonjour service will be advertised.

    • To VLAN: Enter the VLAN ID to which the Bonjour service will be made available.

  6. Click Create if you are adding a new Bonjour service or Save if you are editing one.
  7. Click OK to close the AP Bonjour Services dialog box.