Switches Report

The Switches Report page provides details on switch inventory, including switch models and software versions that are being used the most.

Complete the following steps to view the Switches Report page.
  1. On the Navigation bar, click Business Insights > Reports. The Reports page is displayed.
  2. Click View on the Access Points tile. The Switches Report page is displayed.
Switches Report Page (Upper Portion Only)
The Switches Report page has the following components:
  • Overview tile
  • Switch Count Trend tile
  • Switch Unit Count Trend tile
  • Switch Status Trend tile
  • Port Status Trend tile
  • Top Switch Software Versions tile
  • Top Switch Models tile
Note: All counts in the line graphs, donut charts, and tables of the Switches Report page are exact counts. The counts in trend graphs are approximate.

The top right corner of the Switches Report pages display options to share and export reports in PDF and PNG formats. You can also share them with recipients over e-mails on-demand or periodically by configuring a schedule (daily, weekly and monthly). To download or create a schedule, refer to Content Panel.

The filters are displayed in the upper-right corner of the Content panel. This option controls the elements displayed within the Content Panel. To modify this option, refer to Content Panel.

Overview Tile

The Overview tile provides a general overview of the switches on the network and displays the count of total switches, switch units, and total ports for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter.

Overview Tile

Switch Count Trend Tile

The Switch Count Trend tile contains a graph that displays the switch count trend for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the switch details at that time and date.

Switch Count Trend Tile

Switch Unit Count Trend Tile

The Switch Unit Count Trend tile contains a graph that displays the switch unit count trend for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the switch details at that time and date.
Switch Unit Count Trend Tile

Switch Status Trend Tile

The Switch Status Trend tile contains a graph that displays the count of switches that are online, offline, and provisioned for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the online, offline, and provisioned at that time and date. You can hide any of this information displayed in the graph by clicking the Online, Offline, or Unknown icon at the top of the graph. The information icon that is hidden is displayed in gray.
Switch Status Trend Tile

Port Status Trends Tile

The Port Status Trends tile contains two panes Port Status and Port Status Trend.

The Port Status pane displays a donut chart. The donut chart display the the status of the ports as up, down, and disable for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the chart displays an information box with the details of the selected status.

The Port Status Trend pane displays a graph. The graph display the status of the ports as up, down, and disable for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the status details at that time and date. You can hide any of this information displayed in the graph by clicking the Disable, Down, or Up icon at the top of the graph. The information icon that is hidden is displayed in gray.

Port Status Trends Tile

Top Switch Software Versions Tile

The Top Switch Software Versions tile contains two panes Top Switch Software Versions and Top Switch Software Versions Over Time.

The Top Switch Software Versions pane displays a donut chart. The donut chart display the top 10 most-used switch software versions in your network, along with the count of switches using each software versions for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the chart displays an information box with the details of the selected software versions.

The Top Switch Software Versions Over Time pane displays a graph. The graph display the top 10 most-used switch software versions in your network, along with the count of switches using each software versions for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the details of the selected switch software versions along with the count of switch using each software versions at that time and date. Click any of the colored squares to hide the selected software versions in the graph. The information icon that is hidden is displayed in gray.

Top Switch Software Versions Tile - Chart and Graph

To view all the switch software versions, click Table icon. The table is displayed with the switch firmware, count, and count percentage information for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. You can select the number of switch software versions displayed in the table from the drop down at the bottom of the table.

Use the graph and table icons to toggle between the chart and table views.
Top Switch Software Versions TIle - Table

Top Switch Models Tile

The Top Switch Models tile contains two panes Top Switch Models and Top Switch Models Over Time.

The Top Switch Models pane displays a donut chart. The donut chart display the top 10 switch model type that is most often used in your network for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the chart displays an information box with the details of the selected switch model.

The Top Switch Models Over Time pane displays a graph. The graph display the top 10 switch model type that is most often used in your network for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. Pausing the pointer over the graph displays an information box with the switch model details at that time and date. Click any of the colored squares to hide the selected switch model details in the graph. The information icon that is hidden is displayed in gray.
Top Switch Models Tile - Donut Chart and Graph

To view all the switch models, click Table icon. The table is displayed with the switch model, count, and count percentage information for the selected time period in the Date and Time filter. You can select the number of switch models displayed in the table from the drop down at the bottom of the table.

Use the graph and table icons to toggle between the chart and table views.
Top Switch Models Tile - Table