The Venues page displays information about the venues that you have created in
your account, including their locations, number of networks, number of networking devices,
and number of currently associated clients. By default, a venue named
My-Venue exists.
Complete the following steps to view the
existing venues.
On the navigation bar, click
The Venues page is displayed.
The Venues page displays a list of existing venues, including the
following information:
The name assigned to the venue. To view details about this venue, click
the venue name.
Address: The city where the venue is physically located.
APs: The number of access points that have been added to the
venue. To view details about the APs, pause your pointer on or click the
AP number. If present, the icon alerts you to possible feature
incompatibilities between the APs and the features in this venue.
Wi-Fi Clients: The number of clients that are currently
connected to the Wi-Fi network.
Switches: The number of switches that have been added to
the venue. To view details about the switch, pause your pointer on or
click the switch number.
Clients: The number of switch clients that are currently
The number of SmartEdges that have been added to the venue.
Feature Compatibility: Displays the AP and
Wi-Fi feature compatibility as Partially
incompatible, Fully
compatible, or Unknown.
Click Partially incompatible to view details about the
feature, minimum required version for the feature to be compatible,
supported AP model family, and the current incompatible APs.
You can customize which fields must appear in
the Venues table by clicking the icon and selecting the desired column names. Optionally, you can click
Reset to
default to have all columns appear in the Venues table.
Click a specific
Venue name to view detailed information about it.
The selected venue page opens,
displaying the Overview tab by default.
Demonstration of Viewing Venue Data and
Metrics. This video walks you through the Venue page and
explains the Venue metrics.