Viewing Switch Details

You can view detailed information about your managed switch from Clients and Venues on the RUCKUS One web interface.

To view the switch details, complete the following steps.
  1. On the RUCKUS One web interface, navigate to Clients > Wired > Wired Clients List.
    The Switch page is displayed.
  2. Under Hostname, click the switch for which you want to view the details.
    The Switch page displays the following information.
    • Status: The status of the connection
    • Client Details
      • MAC Address: MAC address of the switch client
      • Device Type: The device type
      • Description: Description about the switch client
    • Connenction
      • Switch: Name of the switch
      • Port: The port number of the switch
      • Venue: The name of the venue
      • VLAN: The VLAN ID
    Viewing Switch User Details
  3. Click Download Information to download the switch details as a .csv file.
  4. To view managed switches from the Venue, click a venue name to view information about the venue.
    Viewing Switch Venue Details
  5. Under Switch, click an item to view information about the switch.
    Viewing Switch Information