Your RUCKUS One subscription information
shows the type of license that you purchased, the number of APs and switches and analytics
that your account can support, and details about your license subscriptions.
Complete the following steps to view your
RUCKUS One subscription.
now offers visibility into unactivated purchases. On the Pending Activations tab,
you’ll find a list of unactivated subscriptions grouped by purchase orders received
by RUCKUS. You can select a purchase order group (also known as the SPA Activation Code) and be
redirected to the RUCKUS Support Portal to activate the line items of the Purchase
Order. Additionally, the Pending
Activations tab provides details for each purchase order line item,
including the last date by which users can select the subscription start date. For
more information, refer to the RUCKUS One Subscriptions Licensing
From the navigation pane, click Administration > Account Management > Subscriptions.
The Subscriptions page is displayed.Subscriptions
If any of your licenses are
about to expire, or have expired, a banner will display at the top of the
Paid licenses have a 60-day
grace period. Thirty days prior to the subscription expiration, an alarm is
raised, and the administrator receives an email notification on a weekly basis
until the date of the expiration. The text in the license expiration banner
changes depending on the status of the license, the number of days before it
expires, or the numbers of days left in the grace period.
Note: TEMP licenses are valid only
for 60 days; there is no grace period.
Under the Subscriptions header, the following fields are displayed.
Subscriptions—Indicates the maximum number of APs,
switches, or Analytics allowed by your license subscription.
—Type of RUCKUS One license that your organization purchased.
License type include Basic and TEMP.
Count—Indicate the number of devices.
Starting Date—Indicates the date and time when your
organization purchased the license subscription.
Expires on—Indicates the date and time when your license
subscription expires.
Time left—Indicates the length of time, in days, left
before your license subscription expires.
Status—Indicate the status of the license as
active or expired.
Note: After the subscription
expiration, all the ports of the switch except the ports connected to RUCKUS
APs, switches and the uplink port that is being used to connect to the Cloud
get disabled. However the switch remains connected to the Cloud. With the
license renewal, you can restore service on the switch without losing the