Viewing the Services Catalog
In the Service Catalog page, you can view the list of services available in RUCKUS One.
On the navigation bar, click Network Control > Service Catalog.
You can view and/or add the following services:
- Connectivity
- DHCP for Wi-Fi: Provides client DHCP address assignments from RUCKUS AP.
- DSPK: RUCKUS dynamic Pre-shared key service.
- Network Segmentation: Controls network traffic by different segments.
- Security
- Firewall: Provides D Dos and ACL to protect your devices.
- Application
- mDNS proxy: Proxy multicast DNS for discovery of layer 2 services
- Wi-Fi Calling: Identifies clients using Wi-Fi calling and provides enhanced QoS.
- Guests &
- Portal: Creates a web authentication guest portal for end-user connectivity.
The Service Catalog page is displayed.Viewing the Service Catalog - Connectivity
To configure a service, click
The Add Service for the selected service page is displayed.