Creating a Network That Uses a Dynamic Pre-Shared Key
You can create a network authenticated by a unique passphrase created by using dynamic pre-shared key (DPSK).
Note: Currently, for the DPSK settings, configuration of
WPA2/WPA3 mixed mode as the Security
Protocol is available only to the Admins that have opted for the
RUCKUS One Beta Program. To use this feature, you must participate in the RUCKUS One
Beta Program by following the process: on the navigation bar, click Administration > Account Management > Settings > Enable RUCKUS One Beta Features. Review and accept RUCKUS One Beta Terms and
Conditions. For more information, refer to Setting up Your Account.
On the navigation bar, click
Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi
Networks > Wi-Fi Networks
The Networks page is displayed.
Click Add Wi-Fi
Network. Alternatively, select a DPSK network setting that you want
to copy and click Clone at the top of the table.
The Create New Network page is displayed.
Complete the following settings
in the Network Details page.
- Network Name: Enter a name (up to 32 characters) that you want assign to the network.
- Set different SSID: Use this option to configure the SSID different from the network name.
- Description: Enter a description (up to 64 characters) to help you identify the network using.
- Network Type: Select Dynamic Pre-Shared Key (DPSK).
When the network type is selected, a structure diagram of a DPSK type of network displays. -
Click Next.
The DPSK Settings page is displayed.
DPSK Settings Page -
Complete the settings on the
DPSK Settings page.
- Security Protocol : Select WPA or WPA2(recommend) from the drop-down list. By default, WPA2(recommend) is selected.
- WPA2 (Recommended) is strong Wi-Fi security that is widely available on all mobile devices manufactured after 2006. WPA2 should be selected unless you have a specific reason to choose otherwise.
- WPA security can be configured if you have older devices that do not support WPA2. These devices were likely manufactured before 2006. RUCKUS recommends that you upgrade or replace the older devices. 6 GHz radios are supported with WPA3 only.
- WPA2/WPA3 mixed
mode supports the high-end WPA3, which is the highest level
of Wi-Fi security available and WPA2 which is still common and still
provides good security. In general, mobile devices manufactured after 2006
support WPA2 and devices manufactured after 2019 support WPA3. Note: Wi-Fi-6E clients must connect on 2.4 GHz/ 5 GHz to bound the passphrase first and then connect to service DPSK network on 6 GHz radio.
- Use the DPSK
Service: Select the radio button to enable this option
and configure the DPSK Service. This option is
disabled if you enable the Use the RADIUS Server
Service: Select the existing DPSK service from
the drop-down list or complete the following steps to add a new
DPSK service.
- Click Add DPSK Service and configure a new DPSK service. For more information, refer to Adding a DPSK Service.
Service: Select the existing DPSK service from
the drop-down list or complete the following steps to add a new
DPSK service.
- Use the RADIUS
Server: Select the radio button to enable this option and
configure the RADIUS Server. Note: This option is grayed out if you select the Security Protocol as WPA2/WPA3 mixed mode.
- Authentication Service: Select the
existing RADIUS Server from the drop-down list or complete the
following steps to add a new RADIUS Server.
- Click Add Server and configure a new RADIUS Server. For more information, refer to Adding and Managing a Radius Server Profile.
- Proxy
Service: By default, Proxy
Service is enabled. A proxy for a RADIUS server
acts as an intermediary to handle authentication and accounting
requests.Note: The Authentication Service is supported in both proxy and non-proxy modes, while the Accounting Service is supported only in proxy mode.
- Accounting Service:
Toggle the switch to ON to enable this option and select the
existing RADIUS Server from the drop-down list or complete the
following steps to add a new RADIUS Server.
- Click Add Server and configure a new RADIUS Server. Refer to Adding and Managing a Radius Server Profile.
- Authentication Service: Select the
existing RADIUS Server from the drop-down list or complete the
following steps to add a new RADIUS Server.
Click Show more
By default, the VLAN sub-tab is displayed. Each sub-tab includes additional Wi-Fi configuration options to configure the settings of your preference. Refer to Configuring Additional Settings for a Wi-Fi Network to configure each of the available settings.
Click Next.
The Venues page is displayed.
Venues Page -
Complete the following steps to
configure a venue:
Select the venues in
which you want to activate this network:
- To activate the network in all of your venues, select the check box beside Venue at the top of the table and click Activate.
- To activate the network in a specific venue, locate the venue from the list, and set the switch to ON in the Activated column.
The APs, Radio, and Scheduling of the selected venue is displayed in the table.
Select Venues -
By default, this network
configuration is applicable for all APs and with Radio Band of 2.4 and 5
GHz. To select specific AP groups and modify Radio Band, complete the
following steps:
- Click All
APs in the APs column. The
Select APs dialog box is displayed. To
activate this network on all current and future APs at this
venue. You can also choose a radio band of 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, or
Select APs Dialog Box - Click Select
specific AP groups to activate this network on
specific AP groups including any AP that is added to selected AP
groups in the future. The APs not
assigned to any group option is displayed. After
APs not assigned to any group is selected,
VLAN and Radio Band
options are displayed:
Select specific AP groups - In the VLAN option, by default VLAN-1 is selected. Click Edit (pencil icon) icon and configure the VLAN or VLAN pool for the selected AP group.
- In the Radio Band option, select 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, or both 2.4 and 5 GHz from the drop-down list for the selected AP group.
- Click Apply.
- Click All
APs in the APs column. The
Select APs dialog box is displayed. To
activate this network on all current and future APs at this
venue. You can also choose a radio band of 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, or
By default, this network
configuration is scheduled for 24/7. To configure the
Scheduling, complete the following steps:
- Click 24/7 in the Scheduling
column. The Schedule for Network
<network-name> in Venue <venue-name>
dialog box is displayed. You can also choose a schedule of 24/7
or follow below steps to customize the schedule.
Schedule for Network Dialog Box - Click Custom Schedule.
- Network schedule is customized as per
your requirement. You can configure the schedule for
Monday through Sunday and from midnight to midnight
(from 00:00 hours through 23.59 hours). For more
information, click See
tips. The Network Scheduler
Tips dialog box is displayed.
Network Scheduler Tips - Click OK to close the Network Scheduler Tips dialog box.
- Click Apply.
- Click 24/7 in the Scheduling
column. The Schedule for Network
<network-name> in Venue <venue-name>
dialog box is displayed. You can also choose a schedule of 24/7
or follow below steps to customize the schedule.
Select the venues in
which you want to activate this network:
- Click
The Summary page is displayed.
- Review the settings that you configured.
Click Add.
The newly added DPSK network is displayed in the Wi-Fi Network List page.
DPSK Wi-Fi Networks -
Click Show Onboard Network to view the onboarding
The onboarding network details is displayed.
Displaying Onboarding Networks Note: The following are a few DPSK network-related known limitations:- An administrator cannot modify the Intermediate DPSK WLAN configuration.
- With the deployment limitation for 6GHz, when both 2.4 and 5 GHz services are turn off, a client cannot bound the passphrase with the DPSK service.
- If a client does not follow 11v BTM request, the client behavior might not work as expected.
- When the DPSK network with the Security Protocol configured as WPA2/WPA3 mixed mode is removed, the on-boarding network also will be removed.
- Currently, the DPSK network does not support external authentication via external Cloudpath.