Creating a Network That Uses Hotspot 2.0 Access

You can create a Wi-Fi hotspot network that automatically and securely authenticates users while roaming.

You can configure the Wi-Fi Operator and Identity Provider profiles before or during Hotspot 2.0 Access network creation.

Complete the following steps to create a Hotspot 2.0 Access network:

  1. From the navigation bar, select Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi Networks List and then click Add Wi-Fi Network. Alternatively, from the Dashboard, click Add and then select Wi-Fi Network.
    The Create New Network page is displayed.
  2. In the Network Details section, enter a network name, (optionally) enter a description, select the Network Type as Hotspot 2.0 Access. Optionally, you can configure a separate SSID different from the network name by clicking Set different SSID. Click Next to proceed to the next screen.
    Creating a Hotspot 2.0 Access Network
  3. In the Hotspot 2.0 Settings section, select the Security Protocol from the list.

    WPA2 is the default setting and is recommended for secure authentication and ensuring availability on mobile devices.

  4. Select a Wi-Fi Operator profile from the list or click Add to create a new one (refer to Creating a Wi-Fi Operator Profile.)
  5. Select one or more Identity Provider profiles from the list or click Add to create a new one (refer to Creating an Identity Provider Profile).
  6. Click Show more settings and select the Hotspot 2.0 tab, then configure the following settings and click Next.
    • Accounting Interim Updates: Set the accounting update interval, ranging from 0 through 1440. Default value is 5 minutes.
    • Internet Access: By default, this option is enabled, which allows devices to connect to the internet through the hotspot. If this option is disabled, any device attempting to connect to the Hotspot Wi-Fi network will be able to connect to the network but will not be able to access the internet.
    • Access Network Type: Select the access network type from the list.
    • IPV4 Address: Select the IPV4 address type for the network.
    • Protocol: Select a preconfigured protocol from the Connection Capabilities table or click Add. In the Add Protocol sidebar, add a Protocol Name, Protocol Number, Port Number, Status, and click Save.
    Advanced Hotspot 2.0 Settings
  7. Under Venues, toggle the Activated switch to ON for the venues where the Hotspot 2.0 network will be available. The APs, Radios, and Scheduling columns get auto-populated. Click on each entry to select the desired options such as specific AP group, radio options, and network schedule, and click Next.
  8. Under Summary, review the Hotspot 2.0 Access network settings and click Add.
    You can see the newly added Hotspot 2.0 Access network in the Network List table.