Upgrading Switch Firmware at the Venue Level

The RUCKUS One web interface supports RUCKUS ICX switch firmware updates at the venue level.

Management of switch firmware updates requires the RUCKUS ICX switch(es) to be onboarded to RUCKUS One and associated with a venue.

Successful update of switch firmware, whether scheduled or through Update Now, requires the RUCKUS ICX switch to be onboarded to RUCKUS One, associated with a venue, in the Operational state, and running a different firmware version than the selected firmware version. At the venue level, the user cannot select the current firmware version. If the switch has been running the selected version, when upgrade starts, RUCKUS One will skip it automatically.

The Update Now option appears only if there is new switch firmware available.

Perform only the steps that is necessary based upon the options you wish to execute:

  1. From the navigation bar, click Administration > Account Management > Version Management and select the Switch Firmware tab.
  2. To perform an Update Now operation:
    1. Click the checkbox for one or more venues, then click Update Now. The Update Now dialog box appears.
    2. Select the checkbox for each venue, click Next, select the desired firmware version, then click Run Update.
      Selecting the Venues for Switch Update

      Selecting the Switch Firmware to Upgrade

      Note: When selecting the firmware version, you are given options for the recommended release as well as earlier versions for downgrade.

      After clicking Run Update, you will see pop-up success messages, and the Status column of the Venues table reflects the update status.

    3. You can click Check Status (found in the Status column of the Venues table) to open the Firmware update status sidebar, which displays details such as the switch name, status of the upgrade, the target firmware, and the time stamp of the last update.
  3. To perform the Change Update Schedule operation:
    1. Click the checkbox for one or more venues, then click Change Update Schedule. The Update Schedule dialog box appears.
    2. Select the checkbox for each venue, click Next, select the desired firmware version, select the desired date and time, optionally toggle on the Pre-download the firmware option, then click Save.
      Note: The update time selections are displayed after the date is selected, and are available in two-hour intervals, starting from midnight.
      Note: Enabling the Pre-download the firmware option allows the firmware image file to be downloaded (in the background) to the selected switches six hours prior to the scheduled update time, thereby shortening the time required to complete the firmware update once the scheduled update process begins.
      Selecting Firmware Version to Update Schedule

      After clicking Save, you should see pop-up success messages, and the Scheduling column of the Venues table reflects the new schedule.

    3. You can click View schedule (found in the Scheduling column of the Venues table) to open the Scheduled update sidebar, which displays details such as the switch name, the scheduled date and time, and the target firmware.
  4. To perform the Skip Update operation:
    1. Click the checkbox for one or more venues, then click Skip Update. The Skip Updates dialog box appears.
    2. Select the checkbox for each venue, click Skip, then click Skip in the Skip This Update? confirmation box.

    After confirming the Skip, you should see pop-up success messages, and the Scheduling column of the Venues table reflects the new schedule.

To receive email or SMS notifications regarding initial scheduling of a firmware update, modifications to the firmware update schedule, reminders of upcoming firmware updates, and skipped (cancelled) updates, you must ensure that you have your name and contact information provisioned in AdministrationAccount Management Notifications. Refer to "Adding a Recipient for System Notifications" for provisioning instructions.

To view Activity log entries related to all switch firmware update operations, click the icon in the upper-right corner of the UI header, then click the related switch upgrade activity to view the Activity Details. Alternatively, from the navigation bar, click Administration > Timeline > Activities, select Switch in the Product filter drop-down menu, and view all switch-related activities.