Viewing Switch Incidents

Incident analytics offers a comprehensive solution to address service incident occurrences related to switches. For any given incident, you can view the severity, client impact, root cause, and recommendations, as well as the events, anomalies, data, or problems that were used to identify the incident. From the RUCKUS One web interface, you can view the incidents pertaining to a switch.

Complete the following steps to view the incident occurrence related to a switch.
  1. On the navigation bar, click Venues.
    The Venues page is displayed.
  2. Click Venue Name > Devices > Switch. Alternatively, click Number displayed in the Switches column.
    The Switch tab is displayed.
  3. Click List icon.
    The List tab is displayed.
  4. Click Switch Name under the Switch column.
    The Switches page is displayed.
  5. Select the Incidents tab.
    The Incidents tab is displayed.
    Incidents Tab