Logging In to RUCKUS One as an Integrator or Installer

You can log in to RUCKUS One and manage MSP end customers using your Integrator or Installer account to manage the MSP end customer's network.

Complete the following steps to log in to RUCKUS One as an Integrator or Installer.
  • All Tech Partner admins, by default, can masquerade to any customer assigned to them. This includes both the primary Tech Partner admin role and any delegated Tech Partner admin roles.
  • A Tech Partner admin automatically inherit the ability to masquerade to all assigned customers when they are created.
  • A Tech Partner Prime Admin has the privilege to modify the default delegation roles for masquerade permissions at a later time.
  • A Tech Partner is no longer required to assign a role to himself/herself to masquerade. RUCKUS One assigns the role automatically.
  1. After receiving the account details from the email notification sent by the HSP administrator, log in to RUCKUS One using your credentials.
  2. Change your password when prompted.
  3. Select a customer by clicking a name listed under Customers.
    • Integrator: Can view and manage only the list of assigned MSP end customers.
    • Installer: Can view and manage only the list of assigned MSP end customers.
  4. (Optional) Select a customer and click Schedule Firmware Update and follow the on screen instruction to update firmware.
  5. (Optional) Under the Integrator Admin Count column, click a number to display Manage MSP Administrators page.
  6. Select the name of the Tech Partner and select a role from the Role dropdown. The available options are: Prime Admin, Administrator, Guest Manager, and Read Only.
  7. (Optional) Click Manage My Account to go to your Account Management page on RUCKUS One. Go to Administration > Account Management > Administrators. Review your account information in the Administrators page. You cannot edit or delete yourself. Click Add Administrator to add a new administrator. In the Add New Administrator, pop up, enter the email address in Invite new user field, select a role from the Role dropdown, and the click Send Invitation.
  8. Manage the MSP end customer's network from RUCKUS One.
    The tenant portal of the MSP end customer is displayed.
    RUCKUS One Tenant Portal