Activating Licenses for Managed Service Providers from the RUCKUS One Web Interface
RUCKUS One allows Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to activate license subscriptions from within the RUCKUS One web interface. Every purchased subscription must be activated for the subscription to become active and usable.
On the RUCKUS One web interface, select Subscriptions on
the main menu.
The Subscriptions page is displayed.
The MSP Subscriptions tab displays utilization of paid subscriptions in the context of device count by MSP End Customer (EC), MSP Assigned, and Available. Subscription-specific information is displayed in table format, including the RUCKUS part number, the number of devices supported, the start and expiry dates, time remaining, and status.
The Generate Usage Report option allows you to create and download a subscription usage report for which selectable criteria include time period, format, and customer base.
The Manage Subscriptions option allows you to view and manage cloud subscription purchases via the RUCKUS Support website.
The MSP Assigned Subscriptions tab displays utilization of paid subscriptions and trial subscriptions, in the context of device count by MSP EC, MSP Assigned, and Available.
Subscription-specific information is displayed in table format, including the subscription name, the number of devices supported, the start and expiry dates, time remaining, and status.
You can assign the number of devices, and the start and expiration dates for the subscription, by clicking Assign MSP Subscriptions.
The Pending Activations tab displays information about license purchases that are pending activation. You can activate pending licenses from this tab.
Click the Pending
Activations tab.
The following information is displayed:
- Order Date: Displays the date on which the subscription was purchased.
- SPA Activation Code: Displays the RUCKUS activation code for your purchase order, which can contain one or more license Part Numbers. The activation code is an interactive link that allows you to activate the associated subscriptions through the RUCKUS Support Portal. The SPA Activation Code is unique to a Sales Order.
- Part Number: Displays the subscription SKU.
- Part Number Description: Displays a brief description that reflects the license subscription type and term length. For example, CLD-PROF-APSW-REC3 is a RUCKUS One Professional tier license for one network device (AP, ICX Switch, or SmartEdge device) for a RUCKUS End Customer (REC) for three years.
- Quantity: Displays the Part Number quantity that was purchased.
- Subscription Term: Displays the duration of the purchased subscription in months.
- Last of Grace Activation Period : Displays the last date by which you can select a specific start date for your subscription. If you activate your subscription on or before this date, you may select any start date from the current date to through the Activation Period Ends date. If you activate your subscription after this date, then the start date is automatically set to the Activation Period Ends date.
- Click SPA Activation Code to activate the purchased Part Numbers. You will be redirected to the RUCKUS support portal to perform the activation.
Click a specific Part Number to activate the purchased Part Numbers from
theRUCKUS One web interface.
The Activate Purchase page is displayed.
- Select the region for the RUCKUS One hosted cloud service. Options include Asia, Europe, and North America.
Select the start date for the service.
The Last of Grace Activation Period field is not applicable for trail licenses. For paid licenses, this field is populated with the date till when the license is active. Ensure that you activate the license before this date.
- Click the checkbox to accept the RUCKUS One terms and conditions.
Click Activate.
A notification appears confirming the successful activation of the license, with additional details available in the Activities page. The newly activate license information is displayed in Subscriptions > My Subscriptions. Click Refresh to see the latest subscriptions.