Scheduling Firmware Update

You can schedule the RUCKUS One AP firmware update according to your preferences.

Complete the following steps to schedule the AP firmware update.
  1. On the navigation bar, click My Customers > MSP Customers.
    The MSP Customers page is displayed.
  2. Click name of the customer under the Customers column and click Schedule Firmware Update. You can select multiple MSP customers.
    The Schedule Firmware Update dialog box is displayed.
    Scheduling Firmware Update
  3. In the Scheduling Firmware Update dialog box, review the available firmware versions and click Next to go to the schedule page.
    The schedule configuration preference page is displayed.
    Scheduling Firmware Update
  4. For schedule preference, select one of the following options:
    • Use saved schedule: Schedule is based on the local time zone of the venues. The configured schedule applies to all newly added venues automatically. Click Change to change the schedule. For Scheduled Days, enter the preferred days. From the drop down, you can select two days from Monday through Sunday. For Scheduled Time Slots, select up to 3 time slots from the drop down.
    • Schedule update manually: This option applies only to selected MSP Customers and their venues. For Enter Specific Date, choose a date from calendar. For Scheduled Time Slots, select a time slot from the drop down.
  5. Click Schedule Update.