Assigning Multiple End Customers to MSP Admin

You can assign the existing MSP admins to multiple MSP end customers (EC) and privilege groups.

Complete the following steps to assign the existing MSP admins to multiple MSP end customers and privilege groups.
  1. On the navigation bar, click My Customers > MSP Customers.
    The MSP Customers page is displayed.
  2. Select the check box for one or more customers and click Assign MSP Administrators. You can select up to 200 customers at a time.
    The Manage MSP Delegations sidebar is displayed.
    Managing MSP Delegations

    In the Users sub-tab, the administrators are assigned the system roles while the Privilege Groups sub-tab contains custom roles.

  3. In the Users sub-tab, select the check box of one or more MSP administrators in the Name column and select an administrator role from the Role drop-down list. Use the search option to find an MSP administrator name by entering the partial (at least two characters) or full email address of the MSP administrator; all matching entries are displayed.
  4. In the Privilege Groups sub-tab, select the check box of one or more MSP Privilege Groups. Use the search option to find a privilege group by entering the partial (at least two characters) or full name of the Privilege Group; all matching entries are displayed.
    Note: The Privilege Group with the scope set to All MSP Customers from the Administration menu (Administration > Account Management > Users & Privileges > Privilege Groups > Add Privilege Group) is selected by default and is non-configurable. For the Privilege Groups with the scope set to Specific Customer(s), you can modify the scope by selecting or unselecting the check box.
  5. Click Save. The updated entries are displayed in the MSP Customers page.