Creating an SNMP Agent Profile

The SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 allows you to query information, such as system status, AP list, etc., and to set a number of system settings using a Network Management System (NMS) or SNMP MIB browser. You can also enable SNMP traps to receive immediate notifications for possible AP and system issues.

Complete the following steps to create a SNMP Agent profile:

  1. From the navigation bar, select Policies & Profiles.
    The Policies & Profiles page is displayed.
  2. In the Policies & Profiles page, click SNMP Agent tile and click Add SNMP Agent. Alternatively, in the Policies & Profiles page, click Add Policy or Profile then select the SNMP Agent tile, and click Next.
    The Add SNMP Agent page is displayed.
    Add SNMP Agent Page
  3. Add SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 agent settings.
    1. Complete the following steps to create a SNMPv2 Agent profile:
      1. Click Add SNMPv2 Agent. The Add SNMPv2 Agent dialog box is displayed.
        Note: If you want to add more than one SNMPv2 Agent, click the Add another SNMPv2 agent checkbox. Selecting this option keeps the Add SNMPv2 Agent dialog box open.
        Add SNMPv2 Agent Dialog Box
      2. Complete the following fields:
        • Community Name: Enter the name for the SNMPv2 agent, maximum of 31 characters are allowed.
        • Privilege: Select one of the following options:
          • Read-only: This enables a read-only community string that send SNMP Get-Requests.
          • Notification: Select one of the following options and enter the target IP address and target port number. By default, port 162 is selected.
            • Trap: Choose this option to send SNMP trap notification.
            • Inform: Choose this option to send SNMP notification.
      3. Click Add.
    2. Complete the following steps to create a SNMPv3 Agent profile:
      1. Click Add SNMPv3 Agent. The Add SNMPv3 Agent dialog box is displayed.
        Note: If you want to add more than one SNMPv3 Agent, click the Add another SNMPv3 agent checkbox. Selecting this option keeps the Add SNMPv3 Agent dialog box open.
        Add SNMPv3 Agent Dialog Box
      2. Complete the following fields:
        • Community Name: Enter the name for the SNMPv3 agent, between 3 to 31 characters.
        • Authentication Mode: Select one of the following options, by default SHA is selected:
          • SHA: Secure Hash Algorithm, message hash function with 160-bit output.
          • MD5: Message-Digest algorithm 5, message hash function with 128-bit output.
        • Authentication Password: Enter a authentication password.
        • Privacy: Select one of the following options:
          • None
          • DES: Data Encryption Standard, data block cipher.
          • AES: Advanced Encryption Standard, data block cipher.
        • Privacy Phrase: Enter a privacy phrase.
          Note: This field is displayed only if you select Privacy as DES or AES.
        • Privilege: Select one of the following options:
          • Read-only: This enables a read-only community string that send SNMP Get-Requests.
          • Notification: Select one of the following options and enter the target IP address and target port number. By default, port 162 is selected.
            • Trap: Choose this option to send SNMP trap notification.
            • Inform: Choose this option to send SNMP notification.
      3. Click Add.
  4. Click Finish.
    The SNMP Agent profile is created and is displayed in the SNMP Agent page.