Client Isolation Profile Details

Client isolation prevents clients on the same network from communicating with each other. Client isolation segregates Layer 2 traffic from all clients. It prevents direct communication between devices and is a prudent choice in a guest network when unknown users are joining the same network. You can create exceptions to client isolation (such as allowing access to a local printer, for example) by creating Client Isolation Allow list.

Complete the following steps to view the Client Isolation details:

  1. From the navigation bar, select Network Control > Policies & Profiles.
    The Policies & Profiles page is displayed.
  2. In the Policies & Profiles page, click Client Isolation tile.
    The Client Isolation page is displayed. The Client Isolation profiles are displayed in the table. The Name column displays the Client Isolation profiles names, Description column displays the Client Isolation profiles description, Client Entries column displays the total number of instances, and Venue column display the total number of venues that profile is used in.
    Client Isolation Page
  3. In the Name column, click the profile name.
    The profile details page is displayed. You can see the Client Isolation profile details, and the total number of network instances, venue, and venue address that use the Client Isolation profile.
    Client Isolation Profiles Details Page