Adding and Managing a Directory Server Profile

You can add a Directory Server profile to provide a user authentication mechanism that can be associated with one or more captive portal networks that utilize an Active Directory or LDAP Server.

Complete the following steps to add a Directory Server profile.
  1. From the navigation bar, select Network Control > Policies & Profiles > Directory Server.
    Directory Server

    The Directory Server page displays the list of all the directory server profiles defined in the RUCKUS One account:

    • Name: Displays the name of the Directory Server profile
    • Server Type: Displays the server type (Active Directory or LDAP)
    • Server Address: Displays the FQDN or IP address along with the port
    • Domain Name: Displays the configured domain name (in the format dc=domain, dc=ruckuswireless, and dc=com)
    • Networks: Displays the number of networks that are currently associated with this directory server profile
  2. Click Add Directory Server. Alternatively, in the Policies & Profiles page, click Add Policy or Profile, select the Directory Server tile, and click Next.
    The Add Directory Server page is displayed.
    Adding a Directory Server
  3. In the Profile Name field, enter a Directory Server profile name ranging from 2 through 32 alphanumeric characters.
  4. For Server Type, select one of the options:
    • Active Directory Server: Allows the clients to authenticate with the Active Directory server.
    • LDAP Server: Allows the clients to authenticate with the LDAP server.
  5. Enable TLS encryption is enabled by default, ensuring secure communication by encrypting data transmitted between clients and servers. You may disable this option, if desired.
  6. In the FQDN or IP Address field, enter a valid domain name or IPV4 address, and for Port, enter a port number. The valid range is from 1 through 65535; the default port number is 636 if Enable TLS encryption is enabled and 389 if Enable TLS encryption is disabled.
  7. Based on the server type selected (Active Directory or LDAP), either the Windows Domain Name or Base Domain Name field appears; enter a valid domain name in the following format (as indicated by the selected Server Type):
    • dc=domain, dc=ruckuswireless, and dc=com
    • dc=ldap dc=com
  8. In the Admin Domain Name field, enter a valid administrator domain name in one of the following formats (as indicated by the selected Server Type):
    • cn=admin, dc=ruckuswireless, dc=com
  9. In the Admin Password field, enter a password.
  10. (Optional) In the Key Attribute field, enter a key attribute to denote users (the default value is uid). This option is available only when you select the Server Type as LDAP Server.
  11. (Optional) In the Search Filter field, enter a filter to retrieve LDAP directory server entries. For example, objectClass=* returns all objects in the LDAP directory. This option is available only when you select the Server Type as LDAP Server.
  12. Click Test Connection to test the Active Directory or LDAP server connection. The test result is displayed.
  13. Click Add.

    You can click a specific Directory Server profile to view configuration details, as well as a list of associated Instances displaying the network name and type.

    You can see the Directory Server profile added in the Directory Server page. A notification is displayed on the Activities page accessible by clicking the icon at the upper-right corner of the RUCKUS One web interface.

You can edit and delete a Directory Server profile by selecting the check box for a specific Directory Server profile in the Directory Server page and clicking Edit or Delete, respectively. Alternatively, you can edit a Directory Server profile by clicking on a specific Directory Server and then clicking the Configure button.

You can customize which fields you want to appear in the Directory Server table by clicking the icon and selecting or deselecting the desired column names. Optionally, you can click Reset to default to have all columns appear in the Directory Server table.

You can search the list of Directory Server profiles by entering a complete or partial Directory Server profile name in the search field; all matching Directory Server profiles are displayed. You can filter the list of Directory Server profile by network name; you can make multiple selections or click Clear Filters to reset the filters. You can sort the list of Directory Server profiles by clicking the associated column header.