Venue Details: Switch
The venue details page displays detailed information about switches such as the total number of switches, switch units, the total number of ports, and so on.
On the navigation bar, click
The Venues page is displayed.
For a specific Venue Name, click
the number displayed in the Switches column. Alternatively,
click a specific Venue Name and then from the Overview
page, click Devices > Switch.
The Switch page is displayed with the Device List, Port List, and Report View icons above the table. By default, the Device List view is displayed.
Click the Device List icon.
Device List View The following switch information is displayed:
- Switch: Displays the name of the switch.
- Status: Displays the status of the switch. For example, if the switch is powered on and is providing networking service to clients, a green check mark appears with the word Operational next to it.
- Model: Displays the model number of the switch.
- Admin Status: Displays the admin status of the switch port (Up or Down).
- Serial Number: Displays the serial number of the switch.
- MAC Address: Displays the MAC address of the switch.
- IP Address: Displays the IP address of the switch.
- Up Time: Displays in days and time since when the switch has been providing service.
- Connected Clients: Displays the number of clients currently associated with the switch.
- Ext. IP Address: Displays the external IP address of the switch.
You can customize which fields must appear in the Device List table by clicking the
icon and selecting or deselecting the desired column names. Optionally, you can click Reset to default to have the default subset of columns appear in the Device List table.
To search for a specific port, enter the Switch Name, Model, Serial Number, MAC Address, IP Address, or Ext. IP Address in the Search field, all matching enties are displayed.
You can filter the list of ports using the Switch, Status, Model, and Group By drop-down lists. You can make multiple model selections to filter the Device List table.
Click the Port
List icon.
Port List View The following switch information is displayed:
- Port Number: Displays the port number of the switch.
- Port Name: Displays the port name of the switch.
- Switch: Displays the name of the switch.
- Status: Displays the status of the switch.
- Admin Status: Displays the admin status of the switch.
- Speed: Displays the speed of the switch port.Note: Beginning with RUCKUS FastIron 10.0.20b and later, 10.0.10f and later, the RUCKUS ICX 7850-48C switch supports 2.5-Gbps and 5-Gbps port speeds for port numbers 1 through 48.
- PoE Device Type: Displays the PoE type used in the switch.
- PoE Usage: Displays the PoE usage level in each port of the switch.
- VLANs: VDisplays the LAN assigned to each port of the switch.
- Neighbor Name: Displays the name of the next neighbouring device.
You can customize which fields must appear in the Port List table by clicking the
icon and selecting or deselecting the desired column names. Optionally, you can click Reset to default to have the default subset of columns appear in the Port List table.
To search for a specific port, enter the Port Name, Port Number, or Neighbor Name in the Search field, all matching entries are displayed.
You can filter the list of ports using the Status and VLANs drop-down lists.
You can sort the list of switch ports by clicking the associated column header.
Click the Report View icon.
The following switch information is displayed:
- Total Switches
- Switch Units
- Total Ports
- Switch Count Trend
- Switch Unit Count Trend
- Switch Status Trend
- Port Status
- Port Status Trend
- Top Switch Software Versions
- Top Switch Software Versions Over Time
- Top Switch Models
- Top Switch Models Over Time
Note: In the Top Switch Software Versions and Top Switch Models tiles, you can click the Table option to view the information in a tabular format.